Angel With A Shotgun

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Chapter seventy-five: "Angel With A Shotgun"

It was calmly chaotic inside my home, everybody is quiet but the way they act at one another is astoundingly weird. Natalie was chopping up the onions and the bananas using the same knife as she glares at Brie at the other end of the kitchen who was putting tomatoes in the blender
What the heck are they making?

Not only them but even Adeline was talking to herself as she sows Caramia's face onto a doll and started to chant weird spells
Holy shit, is she going crazy?!

Caramia was nowhere to be seen, Wendy was the only normal person in this weird atmosphere, Ella was looking out of the window while listening to music in her headphones and was singing the metal song out loud at the top of her lungs like she has been going through something deep

"Your sisters are weird" Cloud whispered in my ear as we watch Ella start to dance awkwardly around the room with her eyes closed, I jabbed him at the side and he let out a groan of pain. This is the situation that I will never get used to in this household, every once in a blue moon my whole family will act like mentally deranged people and the next day they will act as if nothing happened

There was that one time after New Year's Eve that Caramia was praying to a made-up God that she made for herself that she wanted to curse the entire neighborhood for saying she was a witch
Well she was chanting weirdly before like Adeline right now so calling her a witch is a bit spot on

"You need to broaden your horizons, Marshall, it looks like you have seen a ghost" I murmured as we passed by Adeline, Cloud must not have seen this side of all my sisters yet and his facial expression says it all that he wants out. He knew well than to disturb my sisters if they are acting weird

Mom and Dad tried coaxing Aunt Laborè to go to the mall with them because they need her fashion expertise for the reunion, Aunt Laborè didn't want to go and was dead set on her decision because she locked the door from my used to be room and ignored the plea of my Dad. Her annoying brother as she said to me

My Mom turned around and leaned at the wall and made a dramatic sigh, she looked up and saw us "Oh, hi sweetie, hi Cloud" she hugged me and pulled Cloud in for a hug too

"You ready for the reunion next week kiddo?" Dad first bumped as an expression to say hello, I shrugged "Dunno, do I have to?"

Dad faced Cloud and said "You ok for 2 weeks without your girlfriend right? No cheating or else" he cracked his knuckles and showed him a fist, Mom laughed nervously and puts down her husband's hand "Just don't do that ok?" She asked Cloud and he nodded

I could hear loud grumpy footsteps inside my room and the door opened revealing Aunt Laborè throwing a notebook at Dad before slamming the door again at his face, Cloud held his laughter to try and show the respect that he has as he bit his bottom lip to do it. I won't lie, the scene of how my Dad interact with his sister is hilarious

Dad opened the notebook to find that it was some notes to help them to find the clothing choices that will help with their shopping, Mom squealed in delight "THANKS SIS!" She yelled at the door before snatching the notebook in Dad's hand and jumping to their bedroom, my Mom and Aunt Laborè's relationship are like long lost sisters while My Dad and her act like long Time strangers s that only meet by chance in the grocery store

I won't go too much into detail on how they interact with my Grandparents, it's just so nerve-wracking to watch them make a mistake and have my grandma pinch their ears discreetly like how Asian parents do the eye thing like a death threat

Yes, I have relatives that are Asian and I witnessed the eye death threat look they give to my cousins if they misbehave, It worked though because the kids shut up their mouths faster than they can keep their grades up. Dad would be painting the entire clan portrait every ten years and hang it up in the living room of my grandparents' home

Yes, both my Mom and Dad's parents get each of the portraits Dad makes, Cloud gave my Dad a pat on the back "It's ok Mr. Price, even my Mom has a love-hate relationship with all of my Aunts and Uncles"

"Thanks kid, I'll see you downstairs" he jogged downstairs to stop the grunting sounds that Ella was making so he removed her headphones and had a talk with her

I felt Cloud tap my shoulder and point to the room that was at the very end of the hallway "What room is that? I don't think I've ever seen someone take foot inside that room"

"Hold on" I went to Dad and borrowed his keys before walking up to Cloud "Follow me"

I inserted the key into the lock and I heard it open, Cloud was behind me and was watching my every move like the curious person he is. My hand laid flat on the door before I pushed it gently to open
This is Dad's art room, he puts all of his artwork inside here

"Don't touch anything, my Dad would flip if he noticed even a tiny fingerprint on his paintings" I warned Cloud who was about to open the light switch beside the door, when he opened it he was in awe of what he saw

Multiple portraits stacked on top of each other and paint tubes that are in a basket with the paintbrushes, the blackout curtains are shut to prevent sunlight coming into the room, and the old vintage couch near the window that has floral patterns

He wanders around the room and observed all of the portraits, my Dad usually likes to use us as inspirational how Aunt Laborè used us for her fashion designs. I could see Natalie's portrait where she is dressed up as a scholar who is holding stacks of books, Ella who is a princess but was leading an army of women that has weapons, Brie being a knight that is riding on a dark horse, Caramia being a beautiful witch brewing potion, Adeline as a Lady but was holding a knife and being surrounded by pastries, and Wendy which is depicted as a flower girl that is at peace in a field full of blossoming tulips
Where is my portrait? I suppose Dad painted them based on their personality

Cloud was intensely gazing at a portrait jus behind Caramia's portrait, I walked and stood beside him. It turns out it was my portrait, I was depicted as an Angel with a shotgun
Why did I just remember that song?

Cloud snorted "An Angel with a shotgun, your Dad is good at depicting you" he looked at the portrait then at me going back and forth like he was comparing me with the drawing

He was about to open his mouth but I made a first and showed it to him, he then shuts it instantly "I knew you were gonna say something offensively stupid, so I'm gonna stop you there"

He cleared his throat and scratched the nape of his neck "Angel I was gonna say you just look exactly the same as the portrait along with the smile, you dumbass thought I was gonna offend you again?" He mocked me from the way I was saving myself from him trying to embarrass me

"I am like this ok? Just get used to it cause your personality is just as jerky as the beef jerky you can find in any store"
I don't know what the hell did I just say but I'll just hope he gets what I'm trying to say to him

"I am like this ok? Just get used to it cause your personality is just as jerky as the beef jerky you can find in any store" I don't know what the hell did I just say but I'll just hope he gets what I'm trying to say to him

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