Tell Me About It

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Chapter forty: "Tell Me About It"

I gave Aiden an apologetic smile "I can't, I have my reasons" I rubbed my forearm as my eyes try to look anywhere but him
He must be worried about me

"Are you going to tell me those reasons? Do you like Cloud?" Every question he asks he takes a step forward to me, he was mere inches away from me and one more question could close that gap and that would have our faces almost close to each other

I gave him a shocked look with my mouth half-open "Are you kidding me? Me? Liking Cloud? Where are you getting these weird thoughts Aiden!?" I told him as I leaned at the oak tree behind me

The moment I would be liking Cloud is the money I lost my sanity and I should be admitted to a mental asylum

"I am worried about you, one day with that guy is enough to show his true colours" he put a hand deep into his windbreaker jacket and the other hand goes to comb his finger through his Blonde hair, his honey-brown eyes were showing pure concern and with honesty, unlike Cloud's mischievous eyes that is only filled with hidden secrets

The grass that we are standing on dances to the wind in such a relaxing manner to my eyes, I went to my tippy toes and gave Aiden a small at the head. His train of thoughts was cut off as soon as he started looking at me while I pat his head

"Thank you for worrying about me, you're a good friend Aiden" I grinned, the bell rang loudly that it startled me a bit
Drama class is finished, finally

The next class was Gym class and since I have 4 sisters that are athletic and that I was always dragged into many sports activities, this class has become bearable for me. I was with Will right now and almost 25% of the students in this class are in Danny's clique
Someone up there must hate me so much

I gave them an indifferent look as I walked by them, some of them were giving me dirty amusement looks like they are expecting me to fail this class
Too bad for them I was good in this subject

The teacher told us that we would only do badminton, basketball and volleyball today. We have to choose either one of them to start, the majority of the girls went for volleyball or badminton

The guys went straight to basketball and only a few of them went to volleyball, I was stuck in choosing a sport for me to play when suddenly the teacher, Coach Valentine, put her hand in my shoulder
"Looks like you are struggling to choose"

"Yeah, some of the people I hate are on the volleyball and badminton" I sighed, her finger pointed to the basketball "then you should go where there isn't" she grinned at me

Coach Valentine was a patient teacher based on my observations through the years of her being my PE teacher

I shake my head a little bit "That would give me the unwanted attention"

"People thrive on attention, that is why there are celebrities Penelope" she patted my back before blowing on her whistle at some girls who are arguing about the badminton sport

Since the girls who were arguing got the whole class' attention I took the opportunity to take a basketball in the metal bar case and threw it in the basket, I jumped a little from my great goal

"Nice job Penelope!" Mark Andrews gave me a thumbs up and some of the guys went to look at me
This is too uncomfortable, I should leave

"Beat you to 20 points?" Mark asked me with confidence, a smirk crept up on my lips and I crossed my arms at him with my back straight "You're on!"

We went to the other hoop and started competing with each other, my mind was in an adrenaline rush, the need to win was strong in this one since I was so focused on what I am doing I forgot that we are not the only people in the Gym

We were now tied at the point of 19, we made the last one harder since we will do it at the half part of the court. Me and mark did a rock-paper-scissors and he won so he would throw the ball first and it went in

We heard loud yelling from the support of the guys who were watching us, they gave mark a first bump and a high five

I looked at the basketball that was in my hand and I shrugged
That was a good game anyway

So I threw the basketball behind me without looking than I suddenly heard a loud uproar from the same guys who were congratulating Mark, some of them gave me wide eyes with some of their eyes glitter with excitement

"What?" I asked them and Carlo Marcos pointed to the hoop
"You threw the basketball backwards and it got in without you looking, that was cool!" He yelled to me

"Hold on let me try!" Steven Arwin took the ball from another players hand and turned his back from the hoop and threw the basketball backwards which only lead him to hit the principals face who just had great timing coming in to observe the class

"You're in deep shit dude" I said to him as I look at Coach Valentine helping Principal Duke get up and helping him pick up his broken glasses on the floor

"Tell me about it" he scratched the side of his head that was now sweaty from all the running in the basketball game

His teammates just patted him at the back like a condolence "good luck with that" Carlo said, we might well prepare a funeral for him. If there is one person in the whole school that we shouldn't piss off is that is the principal, he is the embodiment of a strict person who loves to give students detention or punishes them with extra homework

Principal Duke was escorted to the clinic as Coach Valentine gave Steven an apologetic face because she knows Principal Duke all too well
He is her father after all

Gym class was dismissed early with Steven being called to the principal's office, we all waved to him as he slowly walked to the west side of the school where the faculty and the principal's office is located

Many students dread to go to the west side of the school because only two things will happen to you when you are being requested to go there

A. You're in big trouble
Which are a common occurrence and the faculty are just filled with sadistic teachers who love to torture their students with piles of homework, only a few of them were really nice

B. You are being given the good news by the teacher
Heck, this is only a small percentage of students have ever experienced. If I could say the percentage it would only come out as a 5%

Cloud was one of those students that always experienced the good news coming from the teachers among with many of the top honour students

"Hey Penelope, wanna join us to wait for Steven after school?" Mark asked me, he is always that one guy that everyone liked

"I know I will cause last time I caused Miss Monica to spill hot coffee on her new dress, Steven waited for me at the main campus" Mark told me and I accepted their invitation to wait for Steven

"I have time, let's go" we went to sit on the grass at the main campus as we watched many students who are excited to go home to the point they are running to reach the gate, some people who have extracurricular activities like football or any varsity sport and the student council will stay at the school for a few hours

"I have time, let's go" we went to sit on the grass at the main campus as we watched many students who are excited to go home to the point they are running to reach the gate, some people who have extracurricular activities like football or any var...

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