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Chapter one hundred one: "Mental"

I felt Cloud shuffling beside me and it woke me up
Gosh, why is he moving around so much this early in the morning?

So since I lost my sleepy feeling I opened my eyes to see Cloud gazing at me beside him, he has his elbow rested on his pillow while he leaned his head at his hand. The sunlight behind him only enhances his good looking face

I glared at him through my messy hair, he removed the hair that was covering my face "Did you have a good sleep?"

"I did until you moved around a lot, how long did you sleep?"

"5 and a half hours, not bad right?"

I nodded to him
Thankfully his nightmares didn't attack him last night

His huge body blocked the sunlight that was supposed to hit me that entered the room, I rubbed my right eye and stretched my arms. Cloud was smiling at me and I got this suspicious feeling "I have a feeling you did something"

He smiled at me then grabbed his phone that was at the nightstand at my side of the bed, so he has to go on top of me to get it "My Angel has keen eyes and a good sense of feeling"
Is that supposed to be a mockery?

When he finally grabbed his phone he opened it then scroll down, he showed me a picture of me when I was asleep with my mouth open and my eyes that are a bit open. Yes, I was not a pretty sleeper
Maybe that's the reason I don't have any admirers at school since I do sleep a lot

I don't have the strength to fight with Cloud just so he could erase my picture so I pretended that I didn't care and headed straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth

"You don't want me to erase it? I'll turn it into my desktop wallpaper!"

I pretended I still didn't care until I finished doing my hygiene, Cloud has his arms crossed and was seated in an Indian position on the bed with a cute pouty face "Fine I'll send it to everyone" he mumbled

"Go ahead I know that all of them already knows my ugly sleeping face, it's the reason why I have no admirers" I sighed

Cloud looked a bit guilty when I said about not having any admirers, his eyes wander the room before greeting mine "Are you hiding something from me?" I asked as I took a step closer

My phone rang loudly that startled the both of us, the loud alarm from the phone destroyed the peaceful morning silence. Last night I set up an alarm so I would know when to get ready for the reunion along with Cloud

Cloud let out a sigh of relief as he wiped the sweat on his forehead, someone knocked at the door

Me and Cloud looked at each other
"I'm not answering that"

He shake his head at me "Neither do I, I'm in a relaxed sitting position can't you see?"

"I can't because I'm in a relaxed standing position can't you see?"

"Does that even make sense?" He was amused as he scanned my face, the knocking won't stop and it was becoming annoying to my ears so before I went to the door to answer it I walked to Cloud first

I lift his chin and tilted it a little to look up at me using my fingertips "Nothing makes sense when you date me"
It's true really, I have been noticing his odd way of acting towards me compared to other girls

He would be a kind gentleman and show his facade but when it comes to me he was showing his devil side

If Satan fell from heaven, Cloud came from hell then rise up to heaven when necessary and go back to hell right after

"Pillow Buddy" ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant