Did She Slap You?

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Chapter fifteen: "Did She Slap You?"

Sophia was kind enough to provide us lunch while we enjoyed staying in the palace because her sons asked her if we could stay to play some games and watch a movie

I played billiard against Noah and Dustin, I won in it of course but since Cloud wanted to go against me. He won
I'm pretty sure it was obvious from the start that I was gonna lose to him

The rec room in the palace was enormous like 3 rooms of the Master's bedroom of my Mom and Dad combined, heck there was even a bowling alley here too. We all played until sunset and that is where I noticed something
"Where's Cloud?" I asked Benjamin who is playing with another toy airplane

He scrunched up his nose
"He told me he was going somewhere but I don't know what place the Price's house is" he shrugged at me and my mouth dropped to the floor

I stepped out of the rec room and dialed Cloud's number, he wasn't picking up and I prayed to the God's of the universe that he won't say anything so shocking that my parents might rethink their choice of having me in the first place

Since Cloud was not picking up his call I called Nick instead
"His handsomeness is answering who this?" He answered and I can feel his relaxed mood even through the phone

"It's Penelope" I replied to him
"Hey Gorgeous, how the heck did you get my phone number?" He asked me

"You have a website and your phone number is written there for the whole world to see especially for your fans" I explained as I walk through the long hallways that have high ceilings, My eyes wander through the art that is painted on the ceiling that has flowers and angels on them

"Sue me if I wanted to find a lover with my popularity, that way it would be much easier," he said proudly and I can hear a girl groan on the phone

"Ew, Nick if you're doing it with a girl right now I'll call later" I don't want to have that kind of image form in my head

"I'm not, that was my twin sister Nikki"
"You have a twin sister?" I asked with surprise

"Didn't you read my Bio? I'm the better twin" he bragged and I can hear his sister that is named Nikki slap him
"As if, Mom even thought of disowning you when we were born" she exclaimed

"Did she slap you?" It was entertaining to hear Nick with his sister
"No but she slapped me with a raw fish on my arm which is the same thing but cold and wetter" he cried out like he was doing it on purpose for her to hear

"Fuck Nikki that hurt!!" He said loudly to her

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Nick
"What? Do you want a date? I could go out with you" he joked happily with his fruity voice that he always uses when he is in high spirits

"No, I'm not asking you on a date with me"
"Then what is it?" He asked as I hear him bite at some crackers and hear him chew during the Call

"If Cloud is going to say something shocking to a person at what rate would you say that person would faint?" After I told him my question Nick laughed loudly on the phone and I can imagine him holding his stomach from too much laughing

"Penelope, Cloud is the type of guy who will make anyone faint if he confessed what he wanted to say. The last time I check he said he wanted to be an escort as a career to his Mom as a joke for April Fools and she almost got taken by God. So I guess if over a 10 he would be a 20" he was saying to me as he was still howling from too much laughing

"Oh God No" I groaned while leaning on a tall pillar of the palace
My parents might need an ambulance

I can't ever imagine Sophia almost dying from the faint because of Cloud's joke, the Marshalls are very rich that the public eyes would watch them closely and I started to understand the heavily guarded gates and the abnormally super large walls that surround the palace

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