What an A-hole

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Chapter two: "What an A-hole"

"Now, now, I could sense anger between those words that both of you exchanged to each other" Alice pull me a bit far from Cloud

"Do we always have to see you guys pretend to like each other?" Alice asked me through a whisper, and I shrug at her. Me and Cloud go way back even more than 2 years ago

We met at a preschool through the same friend, who is now in a different country. it was ok at first but as weeks and months go by, I can feel him being hostile to me and I return it in a non-direct way. It seems that he found out and we just straight on hating each other. a few years later we would meet again because of Will and Jane so we have to pretend that we like each other for the sake of the good friendship of our group

I would never forget the day on how we reacted to seeing each other again. unlike back in preschool, where he would just plain hate me this time, he would literally just pretend to like me which made me even angrier

He wouldn't want me to face him properly about his anger, so I joined in his charade, and we just got into this situation, this is another reason why I want to graduate out of this place quickly. I can see many girls look at Will and Cloud, I can't lie but they are both seriously good looking like preppy bad boy good looking. They are not actually Bad Boys since they don't do what they do and their grades are phenomenal, they just give off that feeling

I just have to rub my temple for just accepting that fact that Cloud is good looking, if there are dumb people, nice people, smart people then someone must at least take the form of a smart mean girl

Danny the perfect ten pretty smart mean girl, She would constantly mock me for being slow at everything. I lack what she has, and she would always keep reminding me about it, she also said that everyone would think that Cloud and she would make a perfect couple, I would have to agree with her that if they date, they would be the power couple in School

We got into our first-period class and I chose to stand specifically behind the tall guy because the lecture would be long and I easily become sleepy. I put my bag at the table to my right for Jane to sit but someone removed the bag and I glared at the person
"Grumpy that place is for Bashful" I said to him, he rolled his eyes and he side glanced at me as he sat down at the place that was supposed to be for Jane

"Bashful is in the clinic right now" he said, and the annoyed expression on my face turned to worry.
"Did something happened?" I whispered. he ignored my question and pulled out a notebook in his bag to prepare for class

"What an asshole" I said in my head, I shifted my focus to the board as the teacher started writing what we would do for the day. The teacher left because a student caused trouble and that student was supposed to be in his class, so he had to go to the principal's office to scold him alongside the principal. this was my chance to sleep. I smiled at the thought

I pulled out a little pillow in my bag and put it on my desk, then I put my face on the soft pillow, I made the pillow specifically on rare occasions like this. I looked to see what Cloud was doing and I found him studying
"Geez, even for a break he would still study" my subconscious said, and I would have to agree

Half of the people in the room are now sleeping and he, along with 4 people, are the only ones studying. I yawned quietly and Cloud glanced at me. He put his arms on the desk and rested his head on his arms as he looked at me with an evil smile. if he ever does that evil smile he is bound to do something that would get me in trouble

I flipped him off, turned my head the other way and I doze off into my sleep


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