He Is An Ambivert

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Chapter thirty-two: "He Is An Ambivert"

I gave Miss Flora a funny look and I snorted "great joke, I have a big heart" I lightly laughed at mocking myself but she held firm at what she told me, she smiled at me with silence

It was getting awkward and I got the memo that she was being serious "are you sure?" I asked and she grinned while nodding

"All of your past pupils in your piano lessons would sometimes visit and ask if you are still teaching piano lessons here but I kept saying that you stopped" she looked at our right where there is a wall dedicated to full of different class pictures and I was in a few of them

I stepped closer to the picture of my first-day teaching piano along with the kids and Miss Flora in the picture, my hair was short and I was smiling shyly at the camera. My hand reached out for the framed photograph and I gaze at it for a long time

We heard a lot of kids voices outside the building and we both looked out the window "it looks like the afternoon class kids are here" I grinned as I observe each one of the cute kids that are attending today's class

I love kids, that is the first reason I teach piano lessons all years ago

So it means I was the first to run down the stairs to open the door and greet the children, they ran inside quickly as they put their character backpacks in the cubbies at the corner of the room. There was one kid in particular that caught my eye, it was a little girl who has red hair in pigtail braids

She was pressing the piano that was hidden under the stairs and it looked like it hasn't been cleaned in years, she looked so determined at trying to figure out how to play it so I sat beside her

The little girl looked up at me with her round bluebell eyes, her freckles were adorable too. Her stature was very small unlike the kids her age around us that are running around
She must be an introvert

"I'll find a rag and we could clean the piano together" I told her and she nodded as her face stayed the same, she didn't gave me a reaction but she followed me to the storage room and we got ourselves each a rag to clean the piano. As we finished cleaning the piano the kids that were listening to Miss Flora read them a story ran up to me

"Are you going to play the piano?" A little boy asked me and I patted his head "yes"

The little girl was slowly backing away and she felt like an outcast since all of her classmates are now gathered around the piano, something in me made me relate to the girl so I use my fingers and gestured for her to come to me

Her classmates looked at her as she stood next to me, I patted the seat at my left "you can sit here"

Her eyes went wide like it was her first time having somebody ask of her to sit with them, she excitedly sat beside me and was eager for me to play

I played a simple nursery rhyme song, Mary Had a little lamb. The kids were starting at my hands intensely as they move to play the music

As soon as I was finished they all said "wow" at the same time in awe, it was too adorable to see. I taught the little girl first then I slowly taught her classmates one by one

Miss Flora was watching over some kids that were playing outside at the playground but the majority of them are in the classroom with me, they were so excited to tell their parents as soon as they came to pick them up

The little redhead girl was last and I felt like an hour passed by but no one came to get her, I slid myself next to Miss Flora by the bench

"Why haven't her parents picked her up yet?" I took two cookies in the cookie jar that was laid out on the table and I walked up to the girl that was swinging all alone on the swing, she ate it as soon as I gave it to her

We watched the sunset sky and birds flying, Miss Flora whispered in my ear "her parents are both doctors, sometimes they will be a bit late at picking her up"

Since it was starting to get boring for all three of us, we decided to take the girl to the building and we watched some movies. Before I leave I kneeled in front of her "I almost forgot, what is your name?"

She played with her white skirt "it's Sushi"

I think I was hungry there for a moment because I might have misheard her name as sushi

"Sushi?" I repeated her name and she hid her eyes behind her bangs
"Yeah" she spoke so quietly

So I was not mishearing things
"What a unique name" she giggled at my small compliment at her name, I waved goodbye to both Miss Flora and Sushi before I went back to school to meet up with Cloud

I found out that the car was still there but Cloud was not in sight near it, I asked some students if they have seen Cloud and a few of them told me he was at the Soccer field. Cloud was playing Soccer alone on the field and was running with the soccer ball between his feet

I sat beside the net as I watch him play, he doesn't seem to notice me because he was enjoying playing all by himself. When it was time to hit the ball to the goal, I was almost hit in the face as the ball passed by closely at the side of my head

I felt my heartbeat slow down after I saw the ball stop at a bush

"Angel" I heard my name and I faced Cloud who was sweaty in front of me
He is drenched in sweat but still looks good, how the heck does he do that!?

I dusted the dirt under my pants as I stood up from the ground

"Where were you?" He asked me in a low furious voice, his forest green eyes were glowing with the help of the sunset which makes his face and demeanour more serious and dominating
Dominating? Oh my shit, what am I thinking!?

I was not here to report my whereabouts but he was so controlling "why would I tell you?" I grabbed my bag that was on the grass placed next to the net

He bit the inside of his cheek and exhaled a sharp breath with both of his hands went into his pant pockets "if you get kidnapped, nobody would know since you never tell where you are going"

I scoffed at him "if anybody would be happy that I'm gone the first person would be you" I told him and he smirked "you know me that well"

I rolled my eyes at his obvious answer and I walked first back to the car with Cloud tailing me, he was drinking bottled water and threw it at the trash can that was very far from us. There were only a few students left in school as we passed by them reaching the parking lot

"You seem to be enjoying yourself playing alone" I told him as he inserted the key to the car to open the doors, we hopped in and he ignited the engine, his hands already at the steering wheel

He drove and talked "I play alone, I like it that way"
He is an ambivert I see

He drove and talked "I play alone, I like it that way" He is an ambivert I see

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