The Four Idiots

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Chapter forty-nine: "The Four Idiots"

"Yes we do actually" Cloud responded

"And you guys sleep together.." Alice was just not processing things properly, she rubbed both of her temples and combed through her hair that she style wavy

Her eyes were now set on me "Penelope, you sneaky girl!" she jumped on me and we both fell down on the floor, unexpectedly she was so excited for me that I didn't expect to be this her reaction

She searched my neck trying to find something
She must be looking for a hickey

"Don't even try Alice we haven't even done that" I grabbed her wrist and pushed her off of me, who knew a girl basketball player would be so heavy with a petite looking body
I think my back hurts from that fall

My hand reached for the bottom of my back and massage it a bit to lessen the pain

"But wait what about Jane?" She asked us as she looked at Cloud, he scratched the back of his neck and I avoided Alice's gaze when her attention went to me

"We haven't told her about it yet" I mumbled

Alice understood why and she wouldn't tell Jane about it because she has a secret of her own with Will from Jane too

Cloud helped me up and asked Alice "Has Jane known already?" Alice shook her head

"No, but I feel like a dirty friend for even hiding this from her" she shyly said to us

"We feel even more worse about it" I patted her at the back

"But why can't just Cloud tell her right away?" Alice looked at Cloud's back who was looking out at the terrace

"Because Jane hasn't confessed yet, I think he is waiting for her to confess so he could properly turn her down"

Alice's phone buzzed and she looked at the message on her phone "I must get going there is a party at Diana's house and Chloe Wang will have one next week on Tuesday at her parents' beach house"

"That sounds fun, is there supposed to be an invitation?" I looked at her phone as I shuffled to sit beside her on the floor

She put a strand of hair behind her ear and shook her head making her wavy hair bounce "There's no invitation needed cause I already told her that our group will be going so no matter how much you try to not go we will still drag you there" she gave me a sweet smile
Am I supposed to be surprised that she did that?

Last year she dragged me to Carson's party and I did not have a great time there, many teens were so sweaty and the entire house was too hot since there were a lot of people who came. Don't even get me started when the majority of teens who are drunk start grinding at each other, it made me want to wash my eyes with holy water

When I saw Will who was super drunk he kept cheering the name of his football team out loud and people just start chanting it with him, the lights made me dizzy so I even have to squeeze through many people just so I could step out and inhale clean air without sniffing someone who just got stoned from the bathroom

Cloud kept flirting with many girls and Alice with guys, Jane was the one who was doing the DJ at the party and when she got drunk we found her the next day sleeping under a tree-hugging a lampshade. She slept like a baby by the way

Will was found inside a trashcan with his shirt off and left only in his pants and socks, his face was scribbled on by many drawings with a permanent marker so when he came to school the next day his face was so red. Cloud was found sleeping on the roof like a starfish and his mouth slightly open

Alice was found wearing a handcuff on one of her wrists and holding a baseball bat at the other on the bed

I went back home that night and came back the next morning looking for everyone since they didn't come home last night, I pictured all of them in their after-drunk state and to this day they haven't known about it yet. All of the pictures are on my laptop and is in a folder under the name "The Four Idiots"

I sometimes open that folder to get a laugh out of it if I ever feel down since it is not every day you see someone look so messed up after a party especially my friends, Alice left the penthouse after she said goodbye to us

Cloud was still grumpy about the face smacking that he ignored me and did not even look at me when he laid on the bed covering himself with the duvet, I shake his arm but he wouldn't budge

"Cloud" I whispered, no response

"Cloouud" I poked him in the stomach, no response

"Hey Cloud" I pulled the duvet off of him and I was greeted with his annoyed face looking at me that I can't help but chuckle

"Sorry about the smacking" I apologized but still no response from his face or even an answer

He turned to his side making his broad back face me, I didn't annoy him anymore and just let him be until I assume he is asleep. His peaceful sleeping face is always so calming to look at

So I did a quick kiss on his nose and whispered "Sorry" before I hurriedly went to sleep

I felt him shuffle behind me and I was startled when he is hugging me at the waist from behind and I am now very flustered about this unexpected situation
I should move him

My body moved a bit so he can but he didn't budge and the hug from my waist was tight so it made things harder for me to move without disturbing his sleep
He is having a hard time getting sleep so moving him would be a bad idea but I would be having a hard time sleeping if I don't move him

"I forgive you" he mumbled quietly then nuzzled his face at my shoulder


I was asleep when I heard someone having a hard time breathing, my eyes shot open and sat up quickly to find Cloud asleep but his breathing is shaky and is tossing and turning in his sleep

"Cloud" I shook him, he wouldn't wake up

I continued to call out his name but he wouldn't open his eyes and the toss and turn still continued, soon my eyes watered a bit as I kept calling out. After my 19th time, I said his name his eyes shot up and he is taking deep breaths

He has cold sweat falling at the side of his face and his sleepy eyes are staring into my watery eyes, I pulled both of his arms to help him sit up and lean him at the headboard

I ran to the kitchen to get him a glass of water and when I gave it to him he drank it so quickly it caused him to cough loudly he has to hit his chest multiple times, Cloud pulled me into a hug and rested his head in my shoulder "I saw her Angel, she was right in front of me" his shaky voice told me slowly

He gulped and more cold sweat kept coming out so I dried it with the towel that I also brought back from my trip to the kitchen to dry his face, I patted his back to calm him down his body was shaking like he saw something very terrifying from his nightmare

He gulped and more cold sweat kept coming out so I dried it with the towel that I also brought back from my trip to the kitchen to dry his face, I patted his back to calm him down his body was shaking like he saw something very terrifying from his...

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