Snow White

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Chapter thirty-three: "Snow White"

As we journey back to the penthouse, we heard Cloud's phone buzz and he put it on speaker mode
"Hey Cloudina" It was Nikki

"Shut the hell up what do you want woman?" He asked her with an annoyed expression plastered on his face, I enjoyed seeing Nikki call Cloud as a girl name because it seems that is the only thing I could see how he gets out of his golden boy character

I pulled out my earphones and plugged one in my ear as the other is left open to hear the conversation

"I need a lift, my legs are dead-ass tired from the running" she said and we can hear some more people talking at the background

Cloud put on a skeptical look as he turn the car around a curb "Did your coach punish you again?" One side of his lips turn up

I heard Nikki do a raspberry and it was silent then she said "yeah, he was being a sore loser again since I was fighting with him and he knows I was winning"

"What were you two fighting about?" I asked as I scrolled through my phone finding a song that I would like to hear right now, we were passing by a new route that leads us to where Nikki is

Nikki was talking to somebody before she answers "he is a new coach and was being a huge jerk just because he used to be a big-time Tennis Champion"

"Good on you to fight back Nikki" I supported her, it was right to fight back when people are starting to become jerks. I have my fair share of jerk customers when I used to work part-time at a small ice cream shop by the bay

There was a girl there that was my elementary classmate, we were always project buddies since we would always choose each other when a project requires a partner. Her name was Daisy and I have been talking to her from time to time on the phone since we graduated from elementary

She moved back to her home by the bay, I worked part-time at the ice cream shop during the summer after graduation so we could spend time together. I don't know what got in me but I stopped visiting after that, the place beside the bay was where we would occasionally be after working

It was a dandelion field near the sea, I don't believe in making a wish in dandelions but the thought of blowing one and watching it flow along in the wind was breathtaking that I sometimes make useless wishes and hope it comes true

Cloud stopped in front of a High School that is well known for taking in Athletic Students to help them get into well-respected colleges that help them pursue their athletic dreams

We stepped out of the car and I followed Cloud as he makes his way to the School's track field humongous that my jaw dropped, Cloud snorted at my reaction

"C'mon Angel, Nikki is waiting at the bench" he pulled me by the wrist, I let him drag me as my eyes wander around with so much amazement
Damn son, This school has a huge track field

As we slowly walked nearer to Nikki, her teammate's eyes were glued to Cloud. Some of them tried to hide their squeals of excitement of seeing him and the others just doesn't care so they were saying hi to Cloud and was throwing him flirty looks

Nikki threw Cloud her gym bag and she struggled to stand up from the bench so I went to help her, "you made it just in time I was starting to become hungry" she put an arm around my shoulder to support herself from moving her sore leg

"Hey Cloud are you gonna visit here again next time?" A short dark-haired girl asked him with a hopeful look, he shrugged at her

"It depends on my mood" he answered
He gave them a neutral reply

He turned his back at them as he clutched the gym bag in his right hand and his left hand he held at Nikki's arm as he helped her get to the parking lot

Nikki sighed in relief as her body touched the seat of the car and felt the cold AC blasting inside, we hopped in the car also and we took a small trip to her place that was in a penthouse with Nick
I could never relate to these people if they start complaining about their penthouse problems

We went in and the interior was cut in half, one side was a coastal theme and the other half was a zen theme. Nikki dragged herself at the coastal part of the penthouse which is at the right side
So Nick is at the Zen themed side at the left

Cloud's house was industrial themed so it has some black incorporated in parts of his penthouse, Nick came out of a door as he massaged his elbow with a tired face. His eyes went to his sister that was laying down on the couch with her legs resting at the armrest and was now asleep with her mouth open

He pointed his finger at her and asked me "what happened to her?"

"Sore legs" I answered as I took a throw pillow to put under her head, Nick went to the kitchen and Cloud was distracted by a large fish tank that is used as the kitchen island

My eyes were now distracted by the fish tank kitchen island too, Cloud tapped the glass lightly and it made a goldfish swim the other way

"It was Nikki's idea that she wanted a fish tank island, she saw it on Pinterest and wanted to have one so we hired someone to make it for us" Nick drank his coffee and rubbed his one eye

"You skipped school today" Cloud took the coffee as he added some more at the coffee maker, Nick gave him a small thanks and replied "I was having a meeting with the publishing company about my new book since I skipped school I decided to continue writing so I can finish it and see if I have some errors" he sighed as he leaned at the kitchen counter

A small white bunny hopped on a chair by the dining table, my eyes went wide as I excitedly get closer to the small bunny. I couldn't contain myself to say "aww"

My hand touched its soft fur and I instantly carried it with gentleness, I let it lick the tip of my nose
"What's its name?" I gave Nick a huge grin that was spread across my face from the adorable bunny

"It's Snow White" I gave him a funny look, Cloud bit his bottom lip trying to hold his chuckle. Nick pointed to Cloud "It was his idea"

"So Snow White like that Disney princess?" I tilted my head a bit as I cradle the bunny in my arms

"Yeah, it was really white when it was a baby that it blended in with Nick's new faux fur rug that he just purchased, we had a hard time finding her and I joked that her fur was so white it was like snow. So we named her Snow White" he sat beside me and patted Snow gently at the head, the bunny closed its eyes as he patted her

"Whose bunny is this then?" I asked Cloud and he pointed to Nick

He finished his coffee "She is my companion in my otherworldly adventures in my head as I write my book"

He left the kitchen and slammed his body at the other couch and instantly fell asleep like his sister, Cloud went through the pantry and was starting to make dinner for them

"You are their chef based on my observation" I told him as I helped him in the eggs, he glanced at the twins that are still asleep and faced back to what he was doing "They were with me when I ran away from home years ago"

"Wait, you ran away from home?" I asked him as I stop cracking the eggs and stare at him in the face

"Being a golden boy/child is not that easy you know, Angel" he muttered as he started slicing up tomatoes

"Being a golden boy/child is not that easy you know, Angel" he muttered as he started slicing up tomatoes

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