Shut it Cloud

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Chapter five: "Shut it Cloud"

I was shoved inside of the van by Adeline and Ella, all three of them went in and closed the doors to prevent me from getting out. I crossed my arms and gave them a glare.
"Do you guys even know where Caramia and her date's meeting place is!?" I said loudly at them, Natalie gave me the look to shut up.

Ella pulled out her phone and it has a tracking device app in it
"You stalkers" I mumbled; I can see so many colored lights as we went to the city. We lived in the suburban area so I was always amazed when we visit the city from time to time, Natalie stopped in a front of a coffee shop and found a parking area nearby.

Ella was still looking down on her phone.
"She is somewhere around the corner, near some restaurant" she said to us and walked immediately to the place as we follow her from behind. The meeting place was no ordinary restaurant
"How rich is this dude to ask her out here?" Adeline said with her face filled with awe and her mouth hung wide open, "This restaurant is a five-star restaurant...A FIVE-STAR RESTAURANT!!" I try to say louder for them to get a grasp of the situation

"We know Penelope, we have eyes" Natalie responded to my reaction with sarcasm, I put one hand on my hips
"Oh yeah? And how on earth are we gonna sneak inside hm?" I asked her with my brows raised with such sass, I am trying to be a realist here and say we are not clever enough to sneak inside the place just to watch over Caramia

"Adeline?" We heard someone say in a small voice and we looked to our right to see a little girl with braids, her caramel brown hair and silver eyes were adorable along with her smile that has a dimple. The little girl's eyes lit up when she saw Adeline.
"Penny?" Adeline knelt down to the same height as the girl

"Adeline who's that?" I asked as I did the same bent pose that Adeline did
"I used to babysit did you forget? I did it just so I can buy that new make-up that I've been wanting since its release"
How am I not surprised

There is no way that Adeline can resist makeup on sale because that would bring disaster to the home more specifically my make-up bag and my bedroom. There was one time that Adeline was grounded because she snuck out to some party, Mom and Dad found out and grounded her which caused her to miss the big sale in Sephora. She didn't do anything like throwing a vase or break glass

She just went silent for a whole month refusing to talk to anyone and it's scaring my Mom real bad so on her birthday they got her the new nude lipstick she always wanted.
Who the hell leaves a child in this place?

The place that surrounds the Five Star Restaurant is not kid-friendly like that stripper bar at the other side of the street for example.

Ella leaned to my ear and whispered
"She might walk into those bars, and I don't think my conscience will stop me having the guilt" the little girl looks like she is around 6 or 7 years old and she might see so many things that will open her mind.

Natalie's face was filled with concern "What is she doing here all alone?"
All of us looked around to see if any people might be her relative.

The little girl noticed it too, she must have been so distracted when she found Adeline that she got lost in the process. She didn't cry immediately but what she did however is just holding Adeline's hand and doesn't want to let go. Her legs were shaking and her eyes started to water.

"Do you still have her Mom's phone number?" I asked Adeline, she took out her phone to check
"Thankfully I'm too lazy to erase contacts" she joked and called up the phone number

The number is not available...

"She changed her contact" Ella announced and we look at her "We know, it's already obvious Ella" Natalie told her in a side glance. Ella stuck her tongue out to Natalie.

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