Ever Seen The Slipper?

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Chapter eighty: "Ever Seen The Slipper?"

I was pulled to go shopping with Yara during the weekends, she was just as nervous about the movie date like Nikki does but of course I will never tell her that. Peter was munching on a hotdog while we were in a women's section of the department store, Cloud was being summoned by his Dad to the palace because it turns out his Dad will stay there for a whole week
Which is a bad thing by the way, since his children hated him

"Does this look good on me?" Yara turned around while holding a light green dress in front of her "Or this?" She switched it by having the pants and crop top that she chose

"The dress looks great on you go for it" Peter said to her while chewing

I pointed to the crop top and pants "This is Nikki Matthews we are talking about Peter, Nikki and Yara might go somewhere fun after the movies like an amusement park or somewhere where it requires you to be physically active" I gave him a tissue to clean himself up cause the ketchup from the hotdog was smeared on his T-shirt

Yara took a hard long look at both of the outfits and decided "I'm gonna get them both, see you guys at the cashier" she hummed a small tune while strutting to the cashier and paying for her clothes


You think it would be a great idea to go home was a choice, to begin with, but the home that I was coming back to has a guy who is severely depressed on the living room couch and is screaming every 5 seconds about how he is going to cut ties with his Dad once he graduates college

Once I got home from shopping with Peter and Yara, I took my sweet time to walk back to the penthouse, and while on my way back I met up with Aiden who was eating ice cream by the park. We chatted for a while and he asked me if I would go to his first concert and I did accept his invitation of course, like how could I miss my best friend's first concert

I came back to the penthouse by sunset and here we are

"Cloud are you gonna mope around until dinner?" I asked him while looking down at him on the couch laying flat on his stomach and his head buried on a couch pillow

"Do I even need to eat just to live at this point?"

"Yes you do because I still need you for my studies"

He raised his head from the pillow and glanced up at me "That was a bit cold-hearted and mean answer"

"Well I'm going to leave by next week and I don't want your dead body in the living room after I return" I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and threw the apple at him

I sat on a couch across from him and held my hot cup of Joe "So what the heck happened at the palace that got you so mopey?"

I blew my drink gently before sipping it

"He asked me to bring and introduce you" he answered and I spat out my hot drink on the floor

I coughed and gasped for a breath of air to enter my lungs "Why did he ask you that?" My voice was now hoarse because of the unexpected news

"Because he wanted to meet the childhood friend turned girlfriend woman"

I want to know what happened to the conversation to go down to the point that his Dad wanted to meet me in person, I could imagine the scary tension in a room of me being asked by his father. Is this what it feels like when boyfriends meet their girlfriend's Dad!?

I gulped "So...when am I going to meet him?" My hands started to play with my hair from being nervous
I just prayed that it won't be tomorrow

"Pillow Buddy" ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon