Natural Beauty

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Chapter sixty-four: "Natural Beauty"

I spent the whole day at Jane and Will's home that I took a taxi to come back to the penthouse for the night, since I have the entire penthouse to myself I wore a loose tank top and shorts that I could never wear when Cloud is around since he tends to have dirty thoughts

I heard my phone buzz loudly on the table when I answered the call It turns out that it was Cloud who was Calling me, I pressed the green to accept call button on the screen and I was greeted by his face that was more handsome than before

"Did you just finish a photoshoot?" I asked him as I flipped my body at the king-sized bed in the master's bedroom

His eyes went wide and checked himself at our call "How did you know?"

"Your face looked...ok, more ok than usual"

He smirked and squinted his eyes at me "Don't avoid it Angel, you know I'm good looking, Hot to be more specific" his perfect smug face was now showing and his ego is becoming more bigger

"The day that I'm gonna compliment you is the day I don't get the honor merits"

"I'll bet to you on that"

"We'll see"

Based on his background I could tell he took a private car back to his designated place in Barcelona, "So how is it in Spain?" I asked before I took a bite out of the blueberries in the frozen yogurt pack

"It's ok I guess, I've been here a lot of times that it doesn't give me any excitement anymore" he sighed dramatically that I can't help but roll my eyes
Oh, to be a rich Marshall kid

"What about you?" He asked staring back at me through the video chat as his green eyes lit up every time the car passed by buildings, I rubbed my knee that I put close to my chest "The place is quiet and eerie but better without you" I mustered up a smile to him

"I'm ok with you telling that but I know for sure you are still afraid of being left alone"

There was something the way he said it to me like he was concerned about how I hated and fear the idea of being alone in a place, he said it with seriousness and I see no hint of mischief in his eyes. My finger traced random circles at my thigh "I'm not sure about the idea of sleeping alone in this enormous place you call your home, how the heck did you even manage to live in sanity for so long?! I doubt I could even last a day In here"

He chuckled "Don't be dramatic, that's just how I live. You hate being alone but I enjoy it" he stepped out of the car and slammed the car door shut before I could hear the elevator bells ring when he entered a place that I assume a luxury hotel

"It's not that I hate being alone but I despise the idea of being alone with a wild imagination of what could happen to me, for example, a serial killer that happens to enter this place. I would cry and yet hit him with a frying pan" I showed the frying pan that was beside me to the camera, I was being serious. People can be insane nowadays so you never know

Cloud exited the elevator and inserted the keys to his hotel room before properly facing me "I doubt that a serial killer can get in that place, you can't get up to the penthouse without the key card Angel" he sets down his phone somewhere flat like a desk and proceeds to remove his shirt giving me a full view of his well-sculpted body that he earned through exercise and eating well

"I just have it beside me just in case, I can't trust Nick to walk around with the key card. What if he is held at gunpoint and he has to give his wallet with the key card inside of it!?" I panicked at the idea, though I know Nick could beat any stranger to a pulp because of his quick reflexes I know he sometimes doesn't choose violence as his first choice of reaction

"I just can't shake that frightening idea" I set my phone at the marble kitchen island countertop and used the fruit basket to lean my phone on, I then went to reach the chips that were placed at the very top shelf of the cabinet so I have to be in my tippy toes to reach it

"Nice butt Angel" he commented suddenly which made me look at the camera to see my bottom butt cheek is showing "Oh shit!" I said loudly, I put one hand down to pull my shorts and I forgot that I was holding on to one of the stacked chips in the cabinet. It resulted in me falling to the ground on my back with chip packets falling to me

I slowly got up and glared at Cloud through the camera, his eyes were dark but his entire demeanor shows that he is enjoying it "I like the view" he mocked me

"Which view? My fisted hand punching your eye or the forehead slap that I will give to you when you come back? Which is it?" I told him in a forced Jolly tone with a fake grin plastered on my face

"The part where I saw your side boob and your bottom butt cheek, it was a very great view" he winked at me

"Can you just not be a pervert while you're out abroad? It just doesn't suit your flawless reputation as a golden boy" I retorted, he still wasn't wearing any on top and just went to bed wearing only a sweatpants

"I just can't seem to fool you can I?"

"Nope, you can't, not now not ever Cloud"

He pouted at me "Aw, don't be like that. You're not even here to sleep beside me right now" he complained as he took out something from his luggage and it was my t-shirt that he stole and slipped it on at one of the pillows

"Dude you're creepy as fuck" I said to him out loud, I would never expect him to use my t-shirt as a substitute for not being by his side abroad

"Shut up Angel, this has your scent and I need to at least pretend you are here so I could sleep" he grabbed the phone and laid down on the bed hugging the pillow with my t-shirt on

"Nah, that still doesn't cancel the fact you are using my shirt as a pillowcase"

Cloud snickered "If you're calling this creepy wait till you hear stories of all my fans"

I joined in his acting charade "Oh really? Please tell me, I would love to know"

He raised three fingers "I would only choose these three as the worst, one bought a lock of my hair that I asked someone to cut my hair and I didn't know he sold it, the second she bought the water bottle that I drank from, and finally, someone was so obsessed with me that they wanted to become me so he kept getting numerous plastic surgery to copy this NaTUraL bEAutY"

I almost spat out the water that I was drinking when he said "NaTUraL bEAutY"
This dumbass can mock people and himself

"You didn't get plastic surgery right?" I asked him, Cloud nodded his head "Have you seen both of my parents? They gave birth to a handsome baby, that's what" he gestured to his charming face that he made a funny face with that I can't help but laugh a little

"You didn't get plastic surgery right?" I asked him, Cloud nodded his head "Have you seen both of my parents? They gave birth to a handsome baby, that's what" he gestured to his charming face that he made a funny face with that I can't help but la...

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