Chapter 43: Ali and Father

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Serena's POV

"There is something I need to tell you." Said Ali as he entered my chambers. I was trying to sleep but the thoughts about Sultan haunted me. As much as I wanted to enjoy the fruits of the successful operation, the celebration was incomplete without his presence.

"Yes what happened?" I asked him.

"I wonder what will happen at the battle. I mean, I mean that there is a chance that I could lose my brother." He tried to speak the inevitable while I held his hand to soothe him.

"I think... I think you should be crowned as a new ruler." He finally spoke up.

"Nope. I would want you to be the ruler. It's your birthright. I am not a Royal blood. Besides, I am proud how you are handling things. Without you, none of this was possible. I know how many sleepless nights you had. If I do not marry your brother, then I would like to be appointed as your closest advisor. So that we can together create a history! Just like Sultan wished me to do!" I told him. I always thought that he deserved the throne. He was just like his brother. Kind and compassionate.

"Are you sure that the previous emperor was your real father?" I said out aloud and instantly regretted it.

"Yes, he was" he chuckled. "I and brother wanted to be a good example for people and our kids."

"Let's pray that your brother returns soon. In one piece. Alive." I said and we both smiled. We both had a coconut drink in a comfortable silence till he bid me adieu.

"By the way, I got the news that your father is waiting for you in the guest room. He is coming to meet you. It's high time you tell him about your relationship with my brother."  said Ali.

"Nope. I want to wait for Sultan to come home first. There is something we both need to sort out."  I said.

I met my father and we both talked for hours. I told him everything about the palace and my experience. However I did not tell him about my relationship with Sultan. I allowed him to form an impression that I was great friends with Ali and Sultan. He was glad that I was in good shape. He was very happy about me being a ruler even if it meant being a temporary one.

"Everyone in the village is proud of you daughter! I must say that Sultan is a great ruler. I guess I was living with a prejudice. I know that now people regard you both with the highest level of respect." he said.

"Now that the floods are over and the work is almost done, do you wish to come home?" he asked me.

"Nope father. I have other things to take care of here." I lied to him while he looked at me suspiciously. I was waiting for Sultan to arrive.

"Are you sure that there is no other reason ?" he asked me.

"Yes, father. Ali needs my help with some matters. As soon as Sultan is back, I shall be back to the home." I assured him.

"Okay then. Once you return home, I wish you to meet your prospective suitors. I have selected a few men for you. I want you to choose one out of them. Ever since you have handled the crown, the suitors from high class families are getting interested in you. They feel that you possess connections from royal families that can benefit them. I am glad that now you can opt for a man with a wealthier status." he said.

"Sure father. Once I return home." I lied. I wanted to meet Sultan and take the decision.

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