Chapter 32: The rest

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Serena's POV

Ali did his work with utmost precision. The messenger was sent at night. In the early mornings, the storage places of the farmers were raided and farmers including Rehzada were taken to the palace. They will not be imprisoned (otherwise the daily wage workers will not receive their daily earnings). However, they will be released after paying off a very hefty fine. So that they learn their lesson.

I and Sultan were still free. We both decided to explore the countryside for a day and reach the palace the next day.

"My seven days to rule are pending " I reminded Sultan who was lying on the grass next to me. We both were lying on the grass in an empty garden outside the village.

"Hmmm" he replied lazily. He gave me a lazy glance, took some time gazing into my eyes and closed his eyes with a smile on his face. I had the countless experience of laying on the grass lazily without having anything to do. But perhaps it was the first time for him. Independence and staying without work, both are very addictive.

He seemed to have lost the lines of anxiety or overthinking that usually accompanied him. Today he was a free bird. Free from all the worries and negativity.

I look at his face. Those long perfect eyelashes were so attractive. He had those perfect dark and dense yet perfect eyebrows. The wind played with his hair. And his lips... I could kiss them. They are red as a ruby. He was my dream boy. In every way. He never made grand gestures or spent a currency on me. He never flattered me or said the words of praise. He never tried to force me to accept him. That was so gentlemanly. As far a the harem was concerned, he respected the wishes of women and ensure that they convert themselves into nuns. He ensured that the eunuchs were treated with respect in his reign.

As if automatically, my hands started tracing his forehead. He opened his eyes and looked at me questioning. He was amused by my gesture. Even I was amused by my gesture. What the hell was I doing? For some reason, I was feeling attracted to him.

"Just removing a stain on your face." I lied.

"Okay" he chuckled, as if trying to buy my point. He then yawned and again looked towards the sky, closed his eyes and fell asleep. I slept next to him.

I didn't realise how much tired I was. When I woke up, I couldn't find Sultan anywhere. It was almost evening. The sun had not set yet but the sunset was about to happen.

I looked around to find Sultan standing with a cloth. He sat next to me, unwrapped the cloth and removed fruits.

They look delicious. As I laid my hands on them, I asked him if he climbed a tree and plucked it.

"No. I brought it from a lady who was selling fruits nearby. Besides, climbing trees is risky. Especially when we both are here, alone and helpless if any accident occur." He spoke like a mature person.

"That's why you were angry with me? The day when I climbed a tree when we were about to enter this village?" I asked.

"Yes. I didn't want accident to happen to you." He shrugged.

I found that sweet. He cared for me.

"I do not feel like going back to palace. I want to be a landlord and stay this place forever." He complained as we started towards the village route.

"You are used to the life of luxury. It's a different thing to stay at a place for sometime and it's altogether another thing to accept a different occupation and settle somewhere." I told him.

He didn't say anything. Just walked throughout the whole route in silence. The nature was so beautiful that I simply enjoyed the sounds of birds and the beautiful view. I didn't know what was going inside his head.

As soon as we reached home, I bolted it from inside. As I turned around, I found myself in his arms, him carrying me towards the room. For some reason, I didn't feel panic. I knew he would never ever force me to do anything against my wishes.

He placed me on a chair and sat next to me.

"I wish to stay at this place for another day. Let's just explore the neighbouring villages. I want to work at a ground level. With you by my side, it will become easier to understand the people. Please say yes.!" He requested me.

It was a great idea. I nodded and he smiled with joy.

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