Chapter 23:- The lightening decisions!

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Heya, everyone! Time for a new chapter update!

Serena's POV

It was another day in the courtroom. My orders were taken seriously. The slave trade was practically banned. The women were returned from the place they were taken. Those who had nowhere to go were provided shelter and employment.

Education was made compulsory for the women in my kingdom. They were taught how to ride horses, how to use swords, how to read and write. Many empty useless shops were renovated and converted into small libraries for women and the owners were compensated well so that they can start their business elsewhere.

The laws were changed so that women could demand equal inheritance from their parents. The taxes on pilgrimage were reduced and various trees were planted to increase the greenery. The places were given for monks to stay. Though I respected the religion, I hated the interference of religious leaders in the day to day functioning of the court. I gave them a leave of the next 10 days so that they can leave me in peace. A place meant for the welfare of people (ie my courtroom) didn't require any religious laws and obligations. It required only common sense to solve the problems one by one.

A few ministers dared to doubt my capabilities. I roared that they can get lost during my reign. But I won't tolerate any disrespect. Even though I was a mere village girl, by position I was the ruler. And a leader. They have the right to tell me whenever I go wrong. But they can't disrespect me just because I was a woman.

The problem in my kingdom was that women weren't encouraged to come out of their houses. Especially the women belonging to lower castes. The high society women would meet each other at the public baths. But the lower-ranking women were expected to work only.

So we came up with a creative idea. We announced in the entire kingdom that if any women wished to work, she can write to us and we would provide her with all the raw materials for free. She can create a final product and we will send our female guards (yes, we created a group of female helpers to enable us to go through that task) to collect her works. Her works would be sold and she would get her share of profits.

At the end of the court session, I was genuinely satisfied with my work. I went inside my chamber only to find Sultan standing there. His eyes were sad. As if ready to break some bad news.

"Hey what happened?" I asked him. Though I loathed him, I couldn't see him sad.

"Can we go out in my chamber? Let's sit on my balcony. There is something that I want to
share." he said.

We went inside his chambers and sat in the chairs on his balcony. The tea was poured and we looked to the horizon. Frankly, I was feeling sleepy. So I waited impatiently for him to open up.

"Do remember how I started the investigation to find out the culprit behind the embezzlement of the prison fund?" he asked.

"Yes. So? What happened?"

"Well he is no one but our Vizar. Someone who I had trusted more than my life!" He broke down.

It wasn't news to me. That guy was useless. I grinned to myself. Now I can throw him out of the kingdom! I couldn't wait to do that! I was thinking about innovative ways to punish him but then I realised that Sultan was crying. Okay okay first I have to console him. Punishment can come later!

"Hey shhhhhh don't cry." I told him.

"But he was the closest person to me after my father! He filled the void of a father figure after my father passed away? How could he do that? Can you believe it Serena?" He was still not ready to believe it.

"Na i can't" I lied. I could have told him in my sleep that the Vazir was a monster. I guess another person who would have been happier than me would be Ali. Wait till he gets the news!

Later that evening I rushed to Ali's chamber (after Sultan assured me that he was perfectly alright and would try to fall asleep) to personally give him the news. However, he was already just celebrating! He had called some singers who sang some Farsi songs while he danced like a madman. I too joined him. We danced for some time and then I reminded him how we both forgot about his brother. Probably that poor thing was still crying in his sleep.

"You don't know but my brother loves you," Ali spoke out suddenly when we were taking our dinner together.

"I know" I shrugged.

"How long have known about that?" he was shocked.

"Since last few days." I was too busy savouring the sweet food that I forgot to see the shocked reaction on Ali's face.

"And here I am, trying to make that sound normal since this morning. I was worried as hell. If you would have reacted negatively to that and ran away, my brother would have never forgiven me!" He heaved a sigh of relief.

"So do you like him?" He asked me.

"No. I don't. Actually I like a man who is strong enough to take his own decisions. Who is a gentle soul and respects women. And look at your brother! He had a whole harem of women in this disposal."

"I agree that my brother had a harem. But it has been a tradition that the kings of Ottaman empire aren't allowed to get married. And they have to keep many women in order to generate heirs. He was simply following the rules that were framed centuries ago. But when the women expressed their desire to leave it and become nuns, he didn't even question their desire. He didn't force them. He let them go. And far as being strong is concerned, he has been ruling since he was 7 years old. My father passed away and suddenly he was no longer that innocent child That he used to be. Everyday there was a web of lies and betrayal. He searched for a strong father figure and he could find only Vazir trustworthy. His life has been in danger countless times. Our relationship got soiled and he was alone. Having no one to share his thoughts. He wouldn't want our mother to interfere and get involved in politics. So he started keeping things to himself. It's tough to rule the empire without allies. You have me. But brother had no emotional support." He took his brother's side.

I was quiet. Perhaps he was right. Maybe.

"Can I make a request? As your brother figure?" He asked.


""Give an opportunity to my brother. He is a gentle and honest soul behind that brute image of his. I promise you that you will find him acceptable. Observe him. Talk to him. If you still end up not having feelings for him, I would never ask you to anything else. Please." He was dead serious.

I just nodded. I had 9 days now. I decided to observe the Sultan. Maybe that would change my viewpoint.

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