Chapter 27: the subtlety

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Serena's POV

It was early morning when we all got ready for our endeavour. Our horses were tied in Mehmed's farm as he promised to take care of them on our behalf. We were provided with a small humble and yet neat cottage with two chambers and a cooking area. While I and Sultan took our respective chambers, Suriya helped me to set up a proper kitchen area so that I can cook whenever I require. The soldiers were asked to return to the palace. They were advised to keep our whereabouts confidential. Only Ali had the actual idea about our whereabouts.

Mehmed wanted us to stay at his place so that he won't be required to stay in a small cottage or cook. However, Sultan insisted that it was necessary for everyone in the village to think that we were poor peasants. Staying with him would wake the suspicion in the minds of people.

We instructed Mehmed to meet us only after midnight or early morning hours. He assured us that he would tell everyone that he had provided us with the cottage on rent. The small cottage (I would rather call it a small tiny house) was adjacent to his house.

We both went to the house that was allotted to us. While I was busy trying to set up the utensils in a wooden rack, I was called by a familiar voice. I looked behind to find Sultan standing in a decent peasant outfit.

"How do I look?" he gave me a dimpled smile.

To be fair, he did look handsome. That outfit had managed to accentuate his shoulder and muscles. His face looked radiant like always. He usually wore kaftans and clothes with fur lining and rich embroidery. However today he was wearing a simple colourless vest (called Yelek). Though his outfit was a far cry from his usual attire, it accentuated his physical features. My brother and father too used to wear the same outfit when I was young. However, God later blessed us with riches and we were soon. Middle class. So our outfits changed due to the rise in our financial status. Still, I found yelek to be extremely attractive for men who are blessed with good personality and physical features. However, even though the attire suited him, he still stood out to be someone else. Someone who didn't have an aura of a poor helpless peasant. His looks, his personality provided him with the aura of a leader.

"Hey hey hey! Ogling isn't a good thing is it?" he gave me his heart-melting smile as he caught me looking at him none stop.

I tried to look here and after being caught red-handed. I tried to hide my blush.

"So what are we going to do now?" I asked him.

"I am going to see a landlord and ask for a job for both of us. You can stay at home if you do not wish to work in the fields. I will tell them that you are my wife." he said.

"Why do you have to tell them that I am your wife?" I asked him.

" firstly because if you are labelled as someone's wife, that would be great for your security from the men in the village. Secondly staying together under one roof without marriage will raise enough suspicions. I do not mind asking to shift to another empty cottage but I am concerned about your safety if you will stay alone in the house especially during the late hours." he clarified. I fully agreed with him. The village was unknown to me. I didn't have any idea about people living there.

Now after we both were settled, Mehmed ensured us that he would get us a job as daily wage-earning peasants in the field of a rich landlord.

"Beware my lady! This would involve toiling the whole day long under the burning sun! Not to forget you will be under tremendous physical strain. I suggest that you move back to the palace and rule comfortably!" he joked. But his eyes were serious. He was genuinely concerned if I would be able to do it! He wanted my safety

"Don't worry Salim (Sultan's actual name) I will be fine trust me!" he cared for me.

"Wait! You called me by my name?" he advanced towards me. With a beautiful expression of amusement in his eyes.

"Well... Yes... Is that wrong?" I too was curious with a sudden change of his expression.

"No. My name sounds beautiful with your voice in it! From next time call me Salim. I would love that!" he said as he gently brushed the back of his palm with my face and for some unknown reason, I looked down and blushed.


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