26| Drunk (Louis)

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Sorry for not updating :)
Hoping that 2021 is a little brighter

Louis was getting ready to go out for the night. He and the boys were celebrating the release of an album, usually they'd celebrate with others, but they wanted to have their own celebration too.

They planned on heading straight to the bar, no idea on how wasted they were going to get. Louis fit into jeans and a shirt, nothing too special, but alright for his liking. He didn't know exactly what to do with his hair, so he simply ran a hand through it and hoped it was okay.

Before long, Niall and Zayn were at his door, both wearing their own share of jeans and button up shirts. "Where's Liam and Harry?" Louis asked, sitting on the bottom of the stairs whilst he tied his shoe laces. "Meeting them there." Zayn told him, and Louis nodded, standing up and straightening out his shirt. "Let's go then." He chirped, pushing his phone into his pocket and grabbing his keys, "you're gonna get wasted first." Niall chuckled, knowing that Louis was usually first to become obliterated drunk. "I am not!" Louis defended, ignoring the fact that he indeed was usually first to go.

Time skip...

Louis, Niall and Zayn met Harry and Liam around the corner from the bar. They all shared a quick pat on the back and half hug, they were so proud of each other and the album they'd all built, they deserved some fun.

The minute they entered the bar, they were met with the instant smell of alcohol and sweat. Louis grimaced as the people around him crowded him and got too close for his liking. Liam kept a hand on Louis' shoulder, that way he wouldn't get lost in the mass of drunken dancers.

After walking around for too many minutes, they found a booth to sit. So far they had had luck with not being recognised, and they hoped it'd remain the way. "I'll get us our first round yeah." Louis said, standing up with his wallet in hand. "Thanks lad." They all smiled, telling Louis what they'd like to drink.

He waited for a couple minutes whilst the drinks were being done, then he took the tray, giving the man a tip and walking back to the booth where he was sat. The boys all decided on starting with a beer, it would get them going and build up a reasonable thrill.

Not being quite drunk enough to start dancing, Niall went up to get the next lot of drinks. He later and back with a whole array of different beverages, telling the boys that it would be fun to try different ones. "Good job none of us are driving." Harry beamed, taking a sip of his drink.

Louis was quite eager to test out new drinks he hadn't tried before so quickly took to trying a blue looking liquid. "What's this one?" He asked before taking a sip, "not a clue, just asked him if he could do the best ones." Niall said, shrugging his shoulders. Louis winced immediately, the liquid burning his throat. "Wow." Was all Louis could say, putting the drink down and taking a swig of his nearly empty beer. "Good?" Liam asked, nearly laughing at Louis' expression. "Well, yeah...but it's strong." He cleared his throat, the blue drink still having an affect.

Still, Louis continued to sample the drinks Niall had brought. The table was full of glasses empty and half full, the boys watched carefully as Louis seemed to take a drink from every single one. "Slow down mate." Zayn laughed as Louis tipped back the last of a drink that instantly sent a thrill throughout his body.

The thing was, Louis was definitely the most drunk - past tipsy even - the boys weren't even close to being tipsy yet. Louis could feel his heart beating harshly, he was slightly sweating, but he felt good. He didn't realise his body was swaying even though he was sat down, and he didn't see the boys giving each other looks.

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