46| Drugged (Liam)

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Just a note to never, ever take a drink from a stranger, or leave your drink unattended. Make sure that you stick with a group of reliable people and keep your things to yourself to lessen any risks. Stay safe <3

The boys had been planning their night out for a while, thing was they'd been so busy they hadn't had any time to themselves. So now they'd had time to catch up on rest, and still had a week left of their small break, they were ready to make most of it.

Niall especially had been constantly complaining about the lack of alcohol he'd been intaking, they boys could only laugh at his slight obsession and assure him that all drinks would soon be in his hands.

It was gone seven o'clock when the five left in a group for the bar. Obviously, being famous meant they had take a van with their security team, sitting down in the seats before being reminded of what to do to stay safe.

The drive was just short of twenty minutes, but it seemed too long to the boys. They giddily got out of the van, huddled together whilst being surrounded by their security as they headed towards the echoes of loud music and bright, flashing lights.

Instantly they were hit with the smell of string alcohol, as well as sweaty bodies from those who were busy dancing on each other.

Liam grimaced at the smell, but soon getting used to it as a drink was soon in his hands, courtesy of Louis.

"Drink up." Louis encouraged, taking a gulp of his own alcohol before the five of them moved to find a place where they could always come back to sit if needed.

"I'm about to get hammered, but I really don't care." Niall laughed, downing his beer in one before leaving the boys to do his own thing, most likely order more of the alcohol.

"Well, he's gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow..." Zayn laughed, deciding he'd be a little calmer with the drinking, as he didn't fancy waking up with a sick stomach and a banging headache.

As time went on, the boys separated into their own little groups; Liam and Louis who were both chatting at the bar, whilst Zayn, Niall and Harry stuck together on the dance floor, laughing and making fun of each other whilst also consuming too much alcohol — well Niall and Harry that was.

At the bar, Liam and Louis ordered a couple more drinks, taking a few shots together before settling with a lighter drink as the tequila ran through their blood.

They were having fun, talking away about tour and music, as well as their families and what they planned to do for their break.

When a couple fans sidled beside Liam, smiles on their faces and phones in hand, the two turned to look at them with soft grins.

"Hi, we love you, oh my god, please can we take a picture?" They were obviously excited, and both Liam and Louis couldn't turn them down, although they'd have preferred they weren't tipsy and being affected by the multiple shots of tequila they'd swallowed.

The two were so busy taking pictures, that they didn't see as a man emptied a packet into a glass, pushing it closer to Liam. Then leaving without being of any known problem.

"Bye, thank you for your support." Liam and Louis both waved goodbye, sighing when they were gone. Of course they loved their fans, but sometimes they just wanted a bit of them time.

Liam picked up the glass that he was sure hadn't been there before, blaming his confusion on his tipsiness, and took a large gulp.

It tasted a little bitter, but then again, Liam thought to himself that it must have been because of the alcohol catching up to him. So he forgot about the taste and quickly finished it, ordering another two, one for him and one for Louis.

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