48| Stomach Bug (Harry & Louis)

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Request from: naillerthechurchboy
Hope you enjoy!!

Harry was feeling terrible, absolutely dreadful. He'd been stuck with a stomach bug for nearly a whole 24 hours. Throughout that time, he'd constantly been sent to the bathroom and back due to his queasy stomach.

The boys were trying their best to help him, whether that be sitting with him whilst he threw up, laying with him as he tried to fall asleep, or simply leave him be when he was feeling too coddled.

"Harry, mate, you've got to try and eat something." Niall frowned, eyebrows drew together as he tried to get his friend to eat something.

"Can't." Harry replied, "I'll be sick." He said bluntly, swallowing thickly as just the thought of eating sent his stomach rolling with nauseous waves.

"Not even just a little bit?" Zayn asked, sitting closer beside Harry to place a hand on his arm.

"Yeah, c'mon H. It's not good for you." Liam added, knowing that Harry hasn't eaten since the morning previous - that being when his stomach began to churn.

Harry sighed at the boys' relentlessness, the constant talking was giving him a headache. He was glad they cared for him, he really was. However, he'd told them he couldn't stomach it, so he hated how they kept going on at him.

"I just want to sleep." He spoke quietly, swallowing again as he felt the sudden change in his body. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, skin prickling with sweat as he inwardly panicked.

He was going to throw up, for the umpteenth time. He was seriously fed up of being ill, it was  physically and emotionally draining.

"Yeah. Yeah, you can sleep Haz." Niall smiled weakly, he didn't like that Harry was feeling so down. "Louis' coming back soon, he'll have all the medication and stuff."

They boys had sent Louis to the shop, he was given a list of different foods Zayn said would help Harry's queasiness, as well as a couple names of medications and stomach relaxers.

He'd only been gone ten minutes, but it shouldn't have been long before he was back home.

Time skip...

When Harry next awoke, it was down to the endless chatter he could hear from his friends. He guessed he couldn't have been asleep too long — a quick glance at the clock hung on the wall confirmed it had only been around ten minutes.

Even with the small nap, Harry's stomach hasn't seemed to make any progress. His stomach cramped up, muscles aching as he reached for the glass of water that had been set on the table beside him.

Only, as he swallowed, it all hurried to come back up again.

Harry stood up quickly, hit by a small dizziness before he turned for the bathroom, hand pressing against his mouth as his stomachs contents threatened to spill past his fingers.

The talk from the boys gradually quietened as the sound of Harry rushing to the bathroom was clear throughout the house.

Falling to his knees, he coughed up a belch, throat burning as his stomach clenched beneath his shirt before expelling what little was in it.

Breathing through his nose, he attempted to catch his breath, that only being interrupted as another wave of sickness hit him and he was sent doubling over the porcelain bowl another time.

Harry's retches were so loud, he couldn't hear as someone sat beside him. A hand was placed on his back and a slight scare ran through him before he realised it was Louis.

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