6| Boys think he's faking sick (Harry)

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Request for ilangel1

Hope this is what you asked for <3

"Harry wake up!" Liam shouted, shaking Harry's shoulder. Harry moaned as he clutched his aching stomach, he wasn't going to get up. "Harry, I'm being serious, get up." Liam said, having stopped shaking Harry. "I feel sick Liam." Harry mumbled, head buried in his pillow. "Ugh, whatever." Liam sighed, walking off to the kitchen where he hoped the other boys were ready; they had a long day to get through.

"Wheres Harry?" Louis asked, munching on a breakfast bar he'd found in the back of the cupboards. "Still in bed, he's 'sick' apparently." Liam air quoted, huffing and folding his arms over his chest. "This is not the day, we've got so much to do." Niall whined, head resting against the table, ready to fall back asleep. "Tell me about it." Zayn exhaled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Meanwhile, Harry laid still in his bed. Any sudden movement or unexpected stir made him feel nauseous. He buried his head further into his pillow, face first, letting out a muffled groan of discomfort.

The boys sat for another five minutes, waiting on there supposedly 'sick' friend. "Right..." Zayn stood up, stretching for a few seconds, "I'll go see what he's up to." The boys all either nodded or let out a lazy "okay."

A sudden hand made its appearance on Harry's shoulder, "mate, we've got to go in five minutes. Liam's quite pissed off and the others are tired and miserable, so I'd say it's best to just get ready." Zayn told him, not sure wether to believe his words about feeling sick. Harry grunted in response, still not moving a muscle. Zayn shook his head, removing his hand from Harry's shoulder and plodding back to the group of tired out boys.

As soon as Harry's bedroom door closed shut, he sat up slowly, careful not to disturb his stomach. A loud gurgle echoed from his stomach making him frown and cringe. He stood up, pulling on some jeans and a shirt. He was trying to get dressed as fast as he could, not wanting to vex Liam anymore than he possibly already had done.

Harry wobbled to the kitchen, not bothering to sort out his hair. "Oh look who finally decided to show up." Liam mocked, standing up and grabbing the keys for the car. "Only took you an hour..." He sneered, brushing past Harry who struggled to stay on his feet.

Harry glanced at the three other boys, only to be met with ice cold stares. He lowered his head, kneading his stomach under his shirt, hoping to relieve the tension that sat there. "We gotta go, Liam's waiting for us." Louis announced, cutting the what seemed to be, an awkward silence. Chairs scraped against the floor as the three boys stood up, grabbing things like phones and water bottles.

Harry stood still as the boys did so, waiting for them to leave so he could take a few tablets for his icky feeling. "Make sure to lock the door mate." Niall called, heading for the car with the others. Harry nodded to no one in particular, shuffling forwards to grab a bottle of water as it'd make it easier for him to swallow the pills.

"And you're last again, keep this up and you'll just stay at home." Liam told Harry, one half of him knew Liam just wanted to make sure they were on time so there wouldn't be any telling off, but the other half was fed up with Liam and his constant complaining. "I'd happily stay at home if it meant I could go to sleep." Harry mumbled under his breath, wiping the sweat that'd started to build along his brow. "What was that?" Liam quizzed, looking at Harry through the mirror. "Just shut up Liam." Harry grumbled, resting his head against the car window.

Zayn looked at Harry, maybe he really was sick. Yet he wouldn't say anything, he didn't want to irritate anyone else. Instead he just placed a warming hand on Harry's leg, but Harry just shoved his hand away.

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