43| He's Hurt But Doesn't Tell The Boys (Zayn)

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Here's an update :)))
Just a note that I am not a gym expert at all, so some terms may be incorrect.

Usually, time off from work was rare. There was a constant state of go, go, go. Sometimes Zayn liked to relax and ease himself by doing something me of two things: absolutely nothing at all, or working out until he's ready to fall asleep for hours.

This time round, Zayn was very much looking forward to going to the gym for once. Going with him, was Liam and Harry. The three of them were up to spending sometime building strength, Niall and Louis preferring to spend the day playing endless video games and feasting on whatever was on front of them.

He left the comfort of his home, clad in running shorts and a shirt, ice cold bottled water in his right hand, phone in his left.

Zayn was the sort of person to rely on music to keep his energy up, and so by listening to it whilst working out, he was sure he'd be motivated.

As the three reached the gym, they split off to do their own things. The smell of stale sweat and what Zayn could only guess was some sort of sterilising spray instantly hit him in the face and he grimaced.

Placing down his bottle, he pushed in his earphones and started his music. He thought it best he begin on the treadmill, that way he could slowly ease into his workout.

Time skip...

After half an hour on the treadmill, Zayn decided he wanted to try something more challenging.

He gave a small nod to Harry who was working on his boxing skills, moving to where the weights were kept.

Liam was busy lifting weights, cheeks slightly red and hair sweaty against his forehead. When he noticed Zayn, he placed down the equipment he was lifting, sitting up and taking a sip of water.

"You alright?" Liam asked, panting a little as he caught his breath.

Zayn nodded a "yeah." Placing down his things and motioning to what was beside him. "Do you mind spotting me a minute?" He asked and Liam happily complied, standing up and moving behind the bench.

Zayn didn't want to seem weak, so he decided on trying to lift what he knew he'd able to, without risking any damage.

Taking a breath, Zayn curled his hands around the bar, tensing his arms and firming his grip. With a nod, Liam helped him lift from the rack, nodding again for him to let go.

At first the sudden weight caused his arms to falter, but he regained his strength and slowly lifted the heavy weight. He breathed sharply through gritted teeth, lungs expanding and defeating with each press. 

It was when he felt a sight twinge in his back that he panicked a little. He tried to keep a calm face as he lifted and placed the weights down.

He sat up with a wince, glad Liam was behind him, so he wouldn't see his pained face. "Everything okay?" Liam asked, just to be sure all was good.

"Yeah," Zayn breathed out, "just gonna go do something else."

Time skip...

Soon, the three boys were leaving the gym, Harry gushing on about how much stronger his punches were getting, and Liam encouraging him with a proud smile.

Zayn however, wasn't in the mood for talking. Ever since he'd lifted the weights, something ached in his back, and the muscles seemed to grow tight. His jaw clenched with each step he took, shooting pains crawling up his spine.

He guessed he'd pulled a muscle, but God, did it feel awful.

When their home came into view, Zayn called for having the shower first, leaving Liam and Harry to groan in defeat. It left Zayn smiling, a feeling of empowerment as he got the chance to have hot water first.

One Direction Sickfics + Hurt Imagines Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ