3| Sick (Liam)

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"Ugh" Liam moaned as his stomach churned. He'd been feeling under the weather for quite a while, but it had only just hit him like a ton of bricks. The boys all decided to go out for the day, Liam didn't want to ruin the fun so he agreed to go along.

His head rested drowsily against the car window, he was glad he'd sat up front next to Harry. "You alright?" Harry asked, having heard the groan from his friend. Liam nodded, again not wanting to ruin the day. He closed his eyes and managed to get a bit of shut eye.

Time skip...

Soon they arrived and Liam sat up in his chair, looking around to see where they were parked. Oh yeah, he'd forgotten they were going out for the day. Liam took off his jacket, as he was feeling rather hot. "You sure you want to take that off mate? It's quite cold." Niall checked, pulling his coat around him so that he could get rid of the chill that was filling the air. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks mate." Liam told him, exhaling as a small pain shot through his abdomen.

Luckily for Liam, and the other boys too, not many fans stopped for pictures or autographs. "Boys, let's get some food." Louis said, pointing to a nearby cafe. "I'm down." Zayn replied, and Louis and Niall nodded in agreement. Liam wasn't bothered about the idea of food, he wasn't hungry at all.

In the cafe, they all managed to get a more private booth. Liam let out a sigh of relief as they sat down, he was becoming to feel more tired as the minutes went on. Louis sat beside him, Harry, Niall and Zayn sat in front of him. They were all looking at menus whilst Liam sat with his head in his hands. He'd begun to feel a headache forming, this just made him feel worse.

"Liam..? Li, you there?" Louis said, snapping his fingers in front of Liam's face. "Oh, yeah, sorry." "What do you wanna order? I'm paying." Liam smiled at Louis, as a thanks. "Just a water please." Liam still wasn't feeling hungry, in fact the now brewing headache seemed to worsen his aching stomach. "You sure? What did you eat for breakfast?" Louis asked, eyebrows furrowed. "I uh, I had a slice of toast." "No you didn't, I saw you throw it in the bin." Niall piped in. Thanks Niall, Liam thought. "I'm just not hungry, still full from last nights dinner I guess." Liam shrugged his shoulders, swallowing the saliva that had started to form in the back of his throat. "Okay then, I'll be back in a minute."

The boys watched as Louis got out of his seat, before all eyes turned to Liam. "Are you alright mate?" Harry asked, sincerity in his voice. "Hmhm, yeah." Liam nodded, biting his lip. "You're sweating Liam, what's up?" Zayn asked, eyeing his friends ghostlier face. Liam felt his head, and sure enough he seemed to be sweating a lot. He hoped Louis would be back with his water soon, anything to drown out his sickly feeling.

Time skip...

All of a sudden the feeling was too much for Liam to handle, his stomach bubbled and gurgled. He just had to get it out of his system. Standing up out of his seat, three pairs of eyes gained focus back into Liam. "Where you going?" "I'll only be a minute." Liam mumbled, rushing to find the bathroom.

Thankful he'd found the place he was looking for, Liam bust into one of the stalls. Thankful again that no one else was currently in the bathroom, he dropped to the floor not having time to lock the door. The minute his knees hit the ground, Liam's stomach contents came spilling out. He whined to himself before a very nasty, body lurching gag escaped his red-pink lips.

Each heave and choke made his head hurt worse, he wanted nothing more than a fluffy pillow and some medication. Meanwhile, Louis had returned to the boys' table with their food and Liam's water. "Where's Liam to?" Louis asked them, Niall pointed towards the direction they'd last seen Liam walk off to. "Bathroom I think." Harry said, "yeah, he's been gone a while..." Zayn told him. Louis thought Liam had looked a bit off, so he decided he'd go check up on him.

There was no need for Louis to have to think where he would have to go; this was because a worker at the cafe came running towards him, panicked expression on her face. "I'm really sorry to disturb you, but we've just been informed that your friend is in the bathroom and in a bad way." She quickly expressed, Louis thanked her before heading to the bathroom where he'd find Liam.

Liam groaned to himself again, feeling the bile rising in his throat. Throwing his chin over the toilet, he let out what was needed to be ridded of. He gasped when he felt a hand on his back, "it's alright mate it's just me." It was Louis. Liam sat up wiping his mouth, "I think I just scared someone...I didn't mean to." Louis shook his head at the pale boy, "don't worry about it payno, it's you we should be worrying about."

Liam was sick another time, before his stomach decided he was finished. "Let's get you home, eh?" "But...but what about our plans for today?" "Liam, you're sick, we can go out another day. We just need to get you home and rested." Liam nodded, standing up shakily with the help of Louis who was holding onto his shoulder and elbow. "I'll ring the boys and tell them to get in the car, it'll be quicker for us to get out." Again, Liam nodded, just wanting to be in the comfort of his home.

Time skip...

All boys were in the car waiting for Louis and Liam. Zayn was sitting in the drivers seat, hands on the steering wheel, fingers drumming an impatient beat. "I hope Liam's alright, now I think about it, he did look quite sick." "No wonder he didn't want anything to eat." Niall noticed Louis and Liam walking out the cafe, Louis was almost holding up Liam entirely.

Louis sat Liam in the front seat, it would be best for him. "Li, why didn't you tell us you were sick? I mean, we all kinda guessed you were anyways." Liam shrugged his aching shoulders, "I didn't want to ruin today." The boys all awed and told Liam that the day out could wait. The sudden rise in loudness made Liam clutch his head, which was still pounding relentlessly. "What's wrong?" "Headache." Liam told them. Luckily, one of the boys managed to find some tablets and gave them to Liam who took them gratefully. Then they decided it was best to head home, "just tell us if you feel sick, yeah? Don't keep it in." Liam nodded, trying to disregard the thought of vomiting again.

So the car journey started, and so far everything was good. The tablets Liam had been given seemed to dull his whining headache. However the nausea would creep up after a while, Liam had managed to brush it off for only so long.

Bringing his hand to his mouth, Liam managed to cover the first episode of gags as coughs. Zayn turned to quickly look at him before looking back at the road. "Liam, you alright?" "Yeah." If Liam was being honest, the boys all knowing he was sick and fussing over him made him feel a tad embarrassed.

Zayn could see how the colour was draining from Liam's face again, only to be replaced with a greenish tint. He knew Liam was lying to him, so he signalled for the boys to say something. "Liam mate, if you feel sick, just tell us." Harry spoke, putting a hand on Liam's shoulder. Liam ignored their words, he was far too focused on actually not bringing anything up. "Li..?" Zayn continued, "pull over!" Liam finally gasped out, hand flying to his mouth.

Zayn quickly pulled over and Liam swung the door open, immediately being sick at his feet. The boys leapt out of their seats too, standing either side of their band mate, rubbing reassuring hands on his back. "That's it, just let it out." Louis told him, wincing as a small sob let loose from Liam's parted lips.

When Liam was done, the boys cleaned him up to their best ability and took him home. Luckily there were no more throwing up sessions in the car. However when they finally reached home, Liam had to make a dash for the bathroom again, obviously the boys knew he was going to be sick so they followed too. They picked up fresh laundry and bottles of water and medication on the way, so that Liam could settle and relax in his bed.

They weren't going to lie, it was a lot of work, but they wanted nothing more than to make their friend feel better again.

Hope you enjoyed

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