40| He Tears His Acl (Harry)

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Request from : _livesforthememory_
Hope you enjoy!!

Harry and the boys were on stage when it happened. One minute he was running around, dancing without a care in the world. The next, he was laying on the ground, knee in excruciating pain.

When he fell, there was a loud pop, the most uncomfortable sensation running through his leg. "Fuck.." Harry groaned through gritted teeth, eyes squeezed shut as to prevent the few tears escaping from them.

The crowd continued to scream, laughing at the fact their idol had slipped. Of course, Harry usually would be joined in laughing too, but not this time. Something was definitely not right.

Niall, having realised Harry had yet to get up, hurried to his friend. He crouched beside Harry who was obviously in agony. All it took was one look at Harry's face to see the damage, Niall grimaced at Harry's discomfort.

"You gonna be able to get up?" He asked and Harry hesitated before nodding. Louis and Liam managed to keep the crowd entertained as Zayn joined the space beside Niall.

The pair helped Harry sit up, he was overcome with a sudden wave of dizziness and held onto both Niall and Zayn's arms, blinking slowly, breathing slow. The two placed down their microphones, this way they could avoid any conversation being heard.

"How bad is it?" Zayn asked, bottom lip between his teeth — a nervous habit.

Harry could only exhale deeply, wincing and flinching when he touched at his knee. "Bad." Was all he told them, and his two friends shared a worried glance.

From over their shoulders, Harry noticed Liam and Louis occasionally flickering their gaze to Harry, frowns on their face. When liam turned again, Harry offered a watery smile, eyes tearing up at the pain pushing against his knee.

"Help me up a minute..." Harry held out his hands and the two gently, and carefully lifted him from the floor.

The second he put weight on his leg, he recoiled in on himself, barely able to hold the pain in his voice as he whimpered, the pain severe and constant. It only worsened as his foot pressed against the floor, he could barely stand.

Zayn nodded towards the empty part of the stage, and him and Niall took Harry to sit down. "Mate, maybe you should go backstage." Niall smiled weakly, but Harry shook his head.

"No, it's fine. I'm...I'm fine, honest." Harry rushed, when really he wasn't okay, his knee was making him feel sick, and he could feel the joint swelling tight beneath his jeans.

However, he don't want to let the fans down. He could still sing too, he was just unable to move around.

The fans screamed when the next song began, Zayn had gone off to let a member of security understand the problem, and the music began.

Liam started with his solo, so Louis crossed the stage to Harry, handing him a bottle of water and offering a sympathetic smile. "You alright?" He asked, Harry only nodded. If he spoke, he was scared his voice would sound shaky. He had to save his voice for his singing.

"Think you'll be okay for the rest of the show?" Louis wondered, and Harry shrugged. He wasn't feeling his absolute best, but he was sure he could handle the rest of the concert.

Harry made sure to sing his parts, nodded along to the beat of the music. He'd yet to move his leg again, he could feel the pain throbbing and it was almost distracting him from his job. Nonetheless, he took a breath and put on a fake smile so no one would be too worried.

As Niall introduced the next song, Liam moved to sit beside Harry, placing an arm around his shoulder. "The boys said it's not good." Liam motioned to Harry's knee.

"Think I've definitely torn something." Harry explained, pulling a face when he was knocked with a new pain in his knee. It was awful sensitive and he wished he could change into some shorts so he could ice his injury.

"We've only got a few songs left," Liam told a thankful Harry, "not that you can go anywhere, but wait here at the end and we'll help you back stage." Liam chuckled slightly at the start of his sentence, "don't want you to worsen it or anything."

"Yeah," Harry grimaced, "thanks li."

The crowd became entirely unaware of Harry's pain, but he didn't blame them. He was acting pretty normal if he said so himself, besides the odd winces and sharp intakes of breath.

Time skip...

Finally the show was over, and Harry couldn't have been more glad. He thanked the fans and blew kisses to the stadium, he would never get tired of his job, he loved every single moment.

He stood up weakly on one leg, wobbling slightly before Liam rushed to his side, Zayn the other. Louis took his microphone, leading the way whilst Niall said one last 'thank you', 'goodbye' and 'we love you'.

Harry barely had to walk as his two friends either side of him practically carried him the entire way back stage. He groaned when his leg was jostled, biting on the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from swearing profusely.

They sat him down on a sofa, and helped raise his leg on a chair and pillow. Harry rested back against the comfort of the furniture, immediately taking the pain medicine that was offered.

He was passed a pair of shorts, he took them gratefully, awkwardly changing into them. Every time he knocked his knee, he winced and hissed, but it was worth it when the swelling of the injury was no longer compact.

"God, that's awful-" Louis cringed, eyeing Harry's bruised knee. The sight was dreadful, purple and blue blotches littered around his leg, circling his knee cap.

"Fucking hell mate, you said you were alright to finish the show." Niall gasped, eyes widening at Harry's leg.

"I'll go grab a medic." Liam said quickly, leaving in a rush to find someone.

Zayn grabbed what ice he could from a small machine, tipping it into a bag and holding it to Harry's aching bones. Although it seemed to melt within the room temperature, Harry was able to crack a smile for thanks.

Liam returned with the medic, frowning when he again looked at his mates knee.

Harry could only swear and bite the back of his knuckle whilst the man inspected his leg, prodding his leg and asking, "does this hurt?" In which Harry would reply, "yes! Of course it fucking hurts!" Before muttering an apology which the man waved of with a knowing look.

The medic explained that Harry had in fact caused a minor tear to his acl. For starters, the five had to search it up to make sure they actually knew where that was, and Harry smiled to himself when the medic advised to rest up, whilst wrapping up Harry's knee.

Although still in pain, he was given many painkillers, and the boys helped prop up his leg, keeping him comfortable.

The pain was terrible, but the small pamper after was worth it.

Hope you enjoyed :))

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