32| Harry and Zayn are ill but Zayn doesn't say anything for the sake of Harry

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Request from : onedi230710
Sorry for not updating in so long. Hope you enjoy !

Zayn groaned as he woke up, burying his head under his blankets. He felt as if he'd been hit by a truck. His nose was awfully stuffy and his head felt cloudy. Sighing, he realised that they had a concert to perform later that day, problem was, he didn't want to get out of bed.


Meanwhile, Harry sat in the living room, hand holding his chest as he hacked into the crook of his arm. His chest was burning and his eyes were watering from the pain. Niall walked into the room where Harry sat, he'd heard the coughing and become quite panicked at the sound of what seemed to be his mate coughing up a lung.

"Are you alright?" He asked, genuinely concerned for his much paler friend. Harry could only nod, another coughing fit taking over his body. Niall moved towards him, placing a hand on his back and passing Harry the bottle of water he just so happened to have in his hand.

Harry took it gratefully, and after what seemed like a lifetime of coughing, he took a sip. The water instantly soothed his raw throat and he sighed in content. "Do you think you'll be up for tonight?" Niall asked, the concert was coming up in a few hours and Harry didn't sound too great. "I think so." Harry croaked, frowning when his voice broke multiple times.

"I'll ask the boys, see if we can work something out. You just sit here and drink the drink." And with that, Niall left to find the other boys.


Zayn must've fallen back asleep because he awoke to Louis poking him in the back. "Zayn, get up." He heard him say, and Zayn shook his head, mumbling incoherent words as he tried to go back to sleep. "You've got to get up, we're leaving in a few hours." Louis told him and Zayn scowled as he found his blankets being ripped from his body, good job he had felt cold enough to wear a few layers.

With one last poke, Louis reminded him to get up before leaving to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast.

Zayn sat up groggily, grimacing when his head began to pulse. He held his head in his hands for a few seconds, trying to wake up and ignore the discomfort rattling in his skull.

With a huff, he placed his blankets back into his bed and carelessly searched through his wardrobe to find some clothes. The muscles in his arms ached as he pulled on a pair of black jeans, he cursed to himself as he slipped on a shirt and found his warmest jumper. He was annoyed that he had to feel ill on a day when they had a concert.


Harry had barely moved since Niall left him, he only tightened the blanket he'd found around his shoulders and hoped his cough would go away.

When Harry decided to sit at the table with the rest of the boys, he was met with Liam shoving a warm plate of food under his chin. "Eat this, you need to eat something." He told him, well it sounded more like an order.

Harry nodded and picked up his the fork, stabbing at the bacon on his plate. He didn't really have much of an appetite, it wasn't as if he could taste anything anyway.

"So..." Niall began, shovelling his own plate of eggs into his mouth. He chewed for a while before continuing his sentence, "Harry obviously isn't feeling his best, and tonight is the concert." The boys nodded in agreement, Harry really did look quite rough, hair messy, eyes paired with dark under circles; it wasn't great. "I was thinking we have one of us take over some of his solos for until he's better." Niall told them, nodding to Harry and Harry lightly smiled in approval. His throat felt like lava and he wasn't up for singing to his full ability.

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