11| He needs stitches (Louis)

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All the boys decided it would be great fun to go on a bike ride. A good way to get both fresh air and exercise. Seeing as they were currently in a different country without their own bikes, they all rented out a bike each instead. "I'm gonna beat you all." Zayn marvelled, sitting himself on his bike. "Mate, it's not a race." Harry chuckled, running a hand through his hair before putting on his helmet. Zayn shrugged his shoulders, circling around them for a minute on his bike whilst the others sorted themselves out.

They set off, occasionally becoming first in the line of five boys, before faltering back behind someone else. "Looks like I'm winning." Niall laughed, having been cycling in the front of the other boys for a good five minutes. "Mate, it's not a race." Zayn mocked, trying his best to sound like Harry. "Hey!" Harry called out, peddling quicker to chase Zayn.

Liam and Louis cycled next to each other, watching the others race each other and purposely bump into the back of each others wheels. They discussed plans for what they'd do, who'd they be spending the next Christmas with and what sing writing had been happening recently.

Time skip...

Liam spotted a grass area where they could all stop and sit for a while. Luckily there were no crazy fans or annoying paparazzi, so they would be able to relax. "I'll tell you what, I am absolutely boiling." Louis told everyone, taking off his sunglasses to clean the slightly smudged lenses before putting them back on. Niall laid back on the grass, elbows holding himself up. "I am with you on that." The Irish lad agreed, wiping away the sweat that'd started to build after cycling.

The sun beamed down on the five bandmates, not much words being shared between the five of them. All busy eating food and trying to drink the coldest of drinks they had.

"Think we should head back now." Zayn said, looking at the time on his phone, knowing that they had to be back soon to work on some songs. "Yeah." Harry sighed, standing up and wiping of the back of his trousers.

Zayn, Harry and Niall got to their bikes, already putting on their helmets. "Oh thanks lads." Louis exclaimed, pointing to the left over food and rubbish. All boys looked at him, Louis smirked waving them off, "'s alright, I'm only joking" he laughed, helping Liam pick up their stuff.

Again the boys set off, only in the other direction. The air was quiet around them, the only sound being tire against ground. It was peaceful to say the least.

Louis thought of an idea - racing far ahead of the boys. It would be fun, they'd all lose and he'd win by miles. So gradually he built up speed, passing Harry. He kept a steady pace, not wanting to waste all his energy. Soon he passed Zayn also, then Liam. Now he was next to Niall, keeping casual conversation, again talking about new music and what they were going to do when they next have free time.

The conversation dulled down, eyes ahead looking at the trees and pathway. Progressively, Louis began to speed up his cycling, laughing as the others were quick to fall behind. "Mate?!" Liam shouted confusingly, "where you going?" Harry asked, all boys now trying to catch up with Louis.

Louis smiled to himself as the wind blew against his hair, messing it up completely. He could hear the boys behind him telling him to slow down but he don't listen. He was having great fun.

But then he panicked slightly at the sight of a hill he hadn't remembered he'd ridden up. He was quick to press on his break...except it didn't work. "Fuck- fuck- shit." He worried, holding down repeatedly on the break. "What is he doing..?" Niall asked to himself and the others, noticing Louis distressed look.

The minute Louis took down the hill, his bike practically lost all control. It was crazy! He ended up falling of his bike, luckily moving just in time before it could crush him. The momentum of his fall caused him to roll a few metres. He closed his eyes right as pain riddled his body.

"Oh my- fuck..." Niall breathed, watching nervously as the scene unfolded in front of him. He sped towards Louis, hurrying off of his bike to check on his friend. The boys followed along quickly, doing the same. "Shit, mate are you alright?" Niall asked, ending down to place a hand gently on Louis. Louis groaned in response, holding his arm.

"Don't move!" Harry instructed, he'd watched many programs in which he learnt not to move someone who could've injured their back. "Oh here we fucking go, doctor fucking styles." Louis mumbled sarcastically, pain throbbing in his arm. The boys laughed lightly, yet worried glances still crossed their faces.

Ignoring Harry's orders, Louis sat up slowly. Liam quickly placed a hand delicately on his back, supporting him. "Your back alright?" Liam asked, looking for any signs of pain when he pressed down gently on Louis' spine. "Yeah, yeah...just my arm that hurts really. I think I might've knocked my head too." Louis told them, wincing as he moved his arm to unbuckle his helmet.

"Well there's no cuts...but I'm sure there'll be a bruise." Harry said, looking at Louis' head. Zayn watched as Louis cradled his arm, he wasn't sure if he was seeing things and he wasn't sure how he'd managed to do it through his jumper...but, "Lou I think you've cut your arm." Zayn said bluntly, looking as his jumper seemed a little off coloured in the place Louis was holding.

"Oh my God!" Niall shouted when Louis slowly took off his jumper. Across Louis' forearm was a nasty gash. His skin was obviously split, crimson red liquid dripping and leaking from the area. Louis' face turned pale at the sight, as did Zayn's; he was never very good with large copious amounts of blood.

"I think you need to go to the hospital mate." Harry said, addressing Louis' wound. "Nah...I'll be alright I think." Louis whispered observing his cut. It did look quite bad... "uh, actually maybe yeah." Louis decided, the sight was making him feel a little queasy.

"Yeah, c'mon." Liam said, helping Louis stand up before giving him his jumper to place on his cut. "Hold it there, try and drop the blood." He instructed. Louis nodded and watched as Zayn picked up both his bike and Louis' slightly battered one. Together they they all walked and cycled slowly back to the place they'd rented the bikes.

Time skip...

Louis needed 7 stitches, the boys watched eagerly as his skin was sewn back together. Louis hissed and winced, having refused any numbing medicine or pain relief. He felt every individual stab, but was thankful his injuries were nothing too major. In the end, it didn't look too bad, just a very red and sore line along his arm. The doctors made sure he didn't have a concussion and then he was allowed back to their hotel, having reminded him to often check his wound to make sure it wasn't infected, and returning shortly to make sure everything is all healing well.

Hope you enjoyed!! Requests still open <3

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