41| Asthma Attack (Liam)

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Request from : lila4226
(I know Liam doesn't suffer with asthma in real life, but for the sake of this imagine, he does :))

It was becoming hard to breathe, chest tightening and heart rate rising. Liam couldn't think straight.

He'd been running around too much on stage, mix in a lot of singing, and together the two things left him gasping for breath. 

Liam however, not wanting to bother anyone, strained against telling any of the boys. He'd decided he'd just rest a bit instead, and hope he's catch his breath back.

The crowd were loud and managed to surprise Liam every time, even though he'd been on stage so many times.

Still, his chest was aching, and he wasn't sure he could put it off any longer. His lungs were burning for some ease, itching for relief. He felt horrible.

Harry and Niall danced around the stage, entertaining the thousands of people whilst Louis and Zayn laughed at them. Liam managed a smile, hand trying to be subtle as it rubbed a circular motion over his chest.

A few minutes passed and thankfully he was a little more calm, sitting down had helped a great deal, and he felt somewhat ready to sing again.

He headed towards the centre of the stage, grin on his face as he spoke to the crowd. No matter how bad he felt, or any of the boys for that matter, the fans always helped.

The concert was coming to an end soon and of course they had to finish it on a high.

"This is Act My Age..!" Liam announced, and soon the large groups of people were screaming like crazy, jumping and crying.

The only problem, Liam thought as they prepared for the start of the song, was that him and Niall usually danced a lot to that very song. He wasn't sure if he could dance for too long, he didn't want to trigger whatever had almost happened only moments ago.

Nonetheless, the music began, and Niall was already off, dancing without a care and singing his heart out.

This song, after all, was right up Niall's street and always made the entire band thrilled.

The music played on, heavy beats contrasting with the lyrics as Niall and Liam jumped and danced. The entire stadium was alive, the song bringing the most perfect atmosphere to the place.

Only, Liam's smile faltered when that tight feeling returned, and Harry managed to notice — he was rather observant at times. He picked up a bottle of water, passing it to Liam and whispering a quick, "you alright?" To him.

Liam nodded, swallowing thickly as the tickling in his throat occurred.

The air was almost too sparse too quick, and Liam needed to get off the stage. His hands were turning clammy as he tried to hold in his coughing, wheezes escaping his lips as he trapped them into his fist he held by his mouth.

He felt awful faint all of a sudden and needed to sit down, and he needed to find his inhaler, but fuck he thought, because he'd left it with all his stuff back in the van.

The song came to and end, stadium breaking out into screams another time.

Louis began to thank the fans and Liam blurted our a breathless, rather pained, "thank you." Before fleeing the stage, hands clutching his chest as he panicked.

He knew that it was best he didn't panic, but now he was thinking incoherently, he knew he'd left his inhaler in the van, but he was also sure it might be in the dressing room.

All the boys remained on stage, slightly confused as to the sudden rush. Zayn began walking slowly towards the exit of the stage, thanking the fans with lots of "we love you all!" Before nodding to the boys and following after Liam.

Meanwhile, Liam pushed past the people in his way, legs feeling numb as he headed to the van. He realised that if he was so sure it was in the van, it was best he check there first.

He reached the vehicle, wheezing and breathless, choking on his own words as he fumbled for the handle of the van. 

He barely had enough in him to pull open the door, feeling drowsy and too weak.

The loss of breath was really getting to him and everything was numb but burning at the same time.

He wanted to break down, but he had to find his inhaler first.

As his hands pushed things of the seats and searched through cup holders, Liam was joined by Zayn.

"Liam what's wrong-" he stopped talking at the sound of Liam's breathlessness, muttering a "fuck." under his breath and moving Liam to sit down.

Liam tried to protest, hands reaching for the van, but Zayn kept him calm, hands on his shoulders.

"Try and calm down li, it's fine I'll get it for you." He said quickly, turning back around to look through the van.

Liam had made a bigger mess in the van than before, and Zayn frantically searched, the sound of his friends wheezing only getting louder.

From behind him he heard footsteps and was glad to hear three of the other boys. He about to tell them what was wrong when Niall cut off his thoughts, "oh fuck his lips are going blue!"

Zayn whipped around fast, observing quickly how Harry had his arm around Liam's shoulders, Louis chewing on his lip nervously and Niall biting his nails, eyes wide.

Zayn only tried to search quicker, sighing relief when he finally found the smaller object.

He pressed it to Liam's mouth, helping him pump the reliever a few times until breathing was a little easier and his chest wasn't heaving and his heart beat wasn't as erratic.

It was crazy how you could almost see the light come back to Liam's eyes when breathing was easier, "holy shit." He mumbled, voice a bit raspy due to the attack.

Harry could only hug him a bit tighter, the boys all huddling around him and hugging him also.

"Thanks boys, thanks Zayn." He whispered, eyes closing, he was ready to sleep for a bit now, the concert tired him out, his asthma just as much.

"Next time bring your inhaler with you." Zayn barely chuckled, thankful that Liam was finally okay.

Sorry this is a bit messy :}
hope you enjoyed <3

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