13| Food poisoning (Harry)

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Sorry for not updating in a while :)))

The boys had not long been back from tour, so to celebrate a bit of time off, they all decided to go out for a meal. Being the spontaneous group they were, of course nothing was just simple or normal, so when Niall suggested, "let's all pick each other's food." They all agreed rather quickly.

They sat in a private booth, this would prevent the continuous disruption of fans coming up to them whilst they were eating. Each of them had a menu in hand, and they'd be picking food for the person on the right to them. In this case, Louis had Harry to his right.

Seeing as the boys had known each other for a good few years, they roughly knew what everyone did and didn't like to eat. "Ermm.." Louis pondered, eyes scanning the menu in front of him. "I think your gonna have...the chicken and pasta." Louis told Harry. "Oh, thanks." Harry said, thankful that he didn't pick an unappetising dish. "Did you really think I was gonna pick something bad?" Louis said, hand on his chest as if he was offended. "I'm not that horrible." He chuckled, turning to Zayn where he waited to hear what he'd be eating himself.

Chicken and pasta didn't sound bad at all, Harry loved chicken and he adored pasta. He'd been given a pretty alright meal. He couldn't wait to eat it.

Soon the food arrived and each boy stared hungrily at their meals as they were placed in front of them. "Thank you." Was spoken from around the table as the waiter left them to eat. Not many words were shared, instead all boys tucking in.

At first Harry's meal tasted a little off, but he just passed it off as a different seasoning of some sort. He picked through his meal, watching as the others completely devoured theirs. Truth was, ever since the first couple of bites, Harry's temperature seemed to rise and his stomach seemed to sit uncomfortably.

"You alright lad? You barely finished yours." Louis asked as all the empty plates, well except Harry's, were being taken away. Harry rubbed his stomach from under the table, "yeah, just full, it tasted really good." He said, not wanting Louis to feel bad that he didn't complete his choice of food.

When the option of desert came around, Harry wasn't too sure on whether he would or not, his stomach still not agreeing with whatever he'd eaten. But then he realised how much hotter it'd gotten in the room, and he could feel himself start to sweat. So he opted just for some ice cream, hoping it would both ease his stomach and cool down his temperature.

Again, like with his first meal, Harry didn't finish his ice cream. It didn't make him feel better, in fact it made him feel worse. He could feel it sloshing around in a mix with his chicken and pasta. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all.

Soon it was time to go, everyone stood up and put back on their jackets. Thanking the waiters and waitresses, and also leaving a massive tip, the boys left the restaurant.

They walked quickly and close together to their awaited van, to both 1. Lower the risk of being caught by fans and 2. To avoid losing each other. Because believe me, it was easy for one of them to get distracted and wonder off in a complete different direction.

Harry was a little slower when walking, and falling behind the others quite a lot. The cold air around them seemed to cool him down a bit, and he could see how his breath came out in short wisps of white smoke. "Harry hurry up." Liam called, beckoning him to stand and walk with the rest of them.

Harry sighed and put his hands in the pockets of his coat, "yeah, yeah. I'm coming." He mumbled, swallowing harshly as he ran to catch up.

Time skip...

When they finally reached their home, Harry headed straight for bed. "I'm tired...so I'm gonna head up now." He told the boys, not leaving them to question him or whatever. He was actually feeling quite a bit more than under the weather now, his stomach felt like it was being punched and he could almost cry from the pain.

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