7| Bruised ribs (Liam)

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So as requested, I'm going to be switching the imagines around instead of the same one 5 times like I've done previously. I will try and get the same imagine done for all boys during this book, but will be focusing on different things :)

Liam was out for a run, he'd set a new goal of running every morning. It made him feel better, and healthier about himself. He always loved a good run.

He set off at a good pace, music blasting in his ears. He felt happy, the sun was beginning to rise from behind the clouds, it was going to be a good day, he thought.

He'd worked up a sweat and decided to jog back home, he was in great need of a refreshing shower. Suddenly calls from paparazzi drowned out his music, not wanting to be rude, he slowed down to smile at them.

Then he set off again, he noticed how they continued to follow him and he didn't want that, not the whole way home. He turned to look behind him, to see they were still following pretty close behind.

The problem was, he wasn't looking where he was going, and then he tripped, landing straight on his front. "Shit..." he groaned, hearing people gasp and whisper around him. He was certain his cheeks had turned red, oh God how embarrassing, he thought. He sat up, hand on his chest, he'd seemed to hit it pretty hard.

The cameras from paparazzi flashed and clicked in his direction, however they seemed to keep there distance, no longer following him. They'd probably caught pictures of him falling, Liam exhaled, finally standing up and wiping his dirtied hands on his shorts. At least he was going home to have a shower.

Whilst running home Liam seemed to feel a small pain forming near his chest area, this slowed him down, as every move of his feet made his chest throb. He had to stop a few times to stop the pain from escalating too much.

Time skip...

Finally he was home, and he was glad. He wasn't going to tell the boys about his falling over, he was sure they'd find out through pictures anyways. He hurried upstairs, careful not to jolt his upper body too much, and made his way to the shower.

Liam winced as he lifted his shirt over his head, gasping at the sight he saw. A bruise had begun to form, the area of skin around his ribs feeling very tender. It was quite sickening to look at, blotches of purple and blue.

Liam shrugged it off, turning on the shower and stepping in immediately. He hoped the hot water would soothe his aching chest, but it did the exact opposite. He felt even more sore and achy after his shower, the movement of his arms disturbed his set of ribs making him grimace in pain. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he started towards his bedroom. He prayed he wouldn't run into one of the other boys, he didn't need their questioning.

Luckily he didn't bump into any of his mates, that made him relax a little. After drying off, Liam put on some sweats and a loose shirt, he didn't think tight clothing would be best for his chest. The ache had doubled since his shower, every movement sent his chest throbbing uncomfortably. He was in complete agony.

Using his hands to style a somewhat appropriate hairstyle, he lifted his shirt in the mirror, checking on his forming bruise. It looked pretty similar to before, definitely no smaller, maybe even a little larger than he remembered. Sighing, he put his shirt back down and went to see where the other boys were at.

Seeing as it was still pretty early in the morning, all boys were sat groggily around a table, bowls of cereal and cups of juice and tea in front of them. Liam grabbed a bottle of water, sipping on it slowly. "How was your run?" Harry asked, shovelling cornflakes into his mouth. "Yeah, yeah it was good." Liam told them, gritting his teeth slightly as a pain shot through him.

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