23| Flu (Liam)

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Hopefully will be updating a lot more because I'm on Christmas holiday now :)

Liam was sick. Sick as in chest rattling, stomach churning, fever rising- it was horrible and Liam had never felt more run down. He had both a strenuous cough and sensitive stomach. It was like a living hell, and he was stuck in bed, boys orders.

So he lay there, body tucked under an abundance of fluffy blankets, nose sniffling and eyes drooping. Although he had a temperature of 38.4 degrees, he was feeling as if he was currently living in perhaps the coldest place on earth. His entire body was shivering, skin goosebumps ridden, yet his skin had a slight sheen of sweat.

Liam was definitely unwell.

As he tried to move into a more comfortable position, a cough hacked his body, sending shooting pains through his chest. He sat up quickly, hand against his shirt as he coughed into his arm. Harry entered the room suddenly, panicked expression on his face. Liam had only been sick for a few hours, since he woke up, but God we're the boys worried. Liam rarely got sick, so when he was it was usually bad.

Harry's watched with wide eyes as Liam practically choked up his lung. He wasn't sure whether to go over to him or keep his distance. "Sorry..." Liam rasped, voice croaky from his previous wheezing and gasping. Harry waved him off, moving to sit on the end of Liam's bed, "it's alright, was coming in to see if you wanted anything to eat anyways." Harry told him, eyes flicking over Liam's paled expression, noticing how his eyes were dark and held no expression.

Liam lay back in his bed, achy bones relaxing, well trying to relax. Truth was, he didn't really have an appetite, he just wanted to sleep. He felt drained and utterly exhausted. He didn't fancy a bite of food, not now that his stomach had also began to swirl uncomfortably. "No thanks mate, thanks for offering though." Liam smiled weakly, massaging his sore throat which now burned slightly.

"Not even a little bit?" Harry urged, eyes desperate for Liam to ask just for piece of toast. No one was good with an empty stomach, no one at all. Liam just shrugged his shoulders, he hated having to be defiant with the boys. "Fine." Liam mumbled, sleep already wanting to take over. "Only something small." He continued, cheek nestling into the warmth of his pillow had Harry nodded and left for the kitchen.

The second Harry was gone, and the second Liam's bedroom door was closed, Liam fell asleep. Him being ill was causing great affect on him physically, he didn't feel much like moving or doing anything.

Time skip...

Liam awoke suddenly to see four boys peering down on him, worried glances being shared between them all. "Mate are you alright?" Zayn asked, reaching to touch Liam's shoulders comfortingly. Liam wasn't really sure what to say, he'd just woken up to see his friends staring at him as if he'd lost a tooth or something.

"Louis came in to give you your food and he said that you were talking..." Niall informed, "oh." Was all Liam said, because was that it? He was talking? "And then he said that you were sweating really bad and you looked really scared and then he was scared so he came to get us to look at you and well you woke up..." Harry finished, chewing on his lip as he ended his sentence. "Oh." Liam said again, only this time the boys took notice of his deeper and nasally voice, prone to his congested nose.

Liam brought a hand to his head, grimacing as the sweat coated his fingers. "Why don't you have a cold shower? Bring down your fever?" Zayn suggested, and the boys nodded in agreement. "Eat your good first though, I didn't walk all the way up here for you not to eat it." Louis said sternly, and Liam knew he was joking, his words bringing somewhat of a small smirk to his face.

So Liam did just that, nibbling on the sandwich that had been given to him. He didn't manage to finish it, the food sitting awkwardly in the pit of his stomach. He left it on his bedside table, before slowly getting out of bed and moving to the bathroom.

He turned the shower on, waiting for it to be not too cold but not the warmth he'd usually have. He stepped under the water with shaky legs, skin pale and eyes begging to be closed once more. Liam kept a hand against the tiled wall the whole time, not wanting to fall over or slip.

He ran a hand over his face, groaning as the same pain returned to stomach. A wave of discomfort hit him and he immediately regretted eating that sandwich. He tried to think of other things, but nothing worked.

Worse, he broke out into a coughing fit, doubling over as every wheeze poked at his lungs. This coughing didn't seem to mix with his churning stomach well, and he found his hand rushing to his mouth as he stumbled to get out of the shower.

Barely wrapping a towel around his waist, he collapsed to the floor, his knees buckling from beneath him. The water drops ran down down his face and back as pools of saliva formed in his mouth, sending the hairs raising on his skin.

Liam prepared for the worst, breath short and quickened, coming out more like gasps. His knuckles were snow-white as he grasped onto the side of the toilet bowl.

He could feel the bile rising in his throat, it's appearance burning his already raw throat. He gulped and sighed, wanting nothing more than to be back in his bed, and not in front of the toilet.

It was unexpected, and he was sent hurling over the porcelain bowl, back arching as he threw up his sandwich. Retches and gags echoed in the still of the bathroom, the sound of liquid hitting liquid making Liam cringe and shudder.

And again, the nauseous feeling bubbled within him and he once again leaned himself back over the toilet. As he found himself spewing, he heard a knock at the door, "I'm coming in." It was Niall. And Liam felt embarrassed because he was only wearing a towel, and yeah they'd all seen each other naked before, but it was different and Liam felt self conscious and vulnerable.

Niall sat beside his poorly friend, rubbing a hand over his slightly dampened back. "Just let it out mate." He whispered, noticing how Liam tended to try and hold it all in, his stomach muscles clenching and lurching, jolting his body, wanting the sickness to be gone.

The Irishman placed a hand on the back of Liam's neck, feeling how his fever had definitely gone down a bit and his body wasn't as warm as previously. To prove his point, Liam sat back against the tiles, wiping his mouth and closing his eyes, sighing.

The goosebumps returned to his skin and his teeth were chattering within seconds, body shuddering with coldness. Niall felt bad and sympathetic as he looked at his friend, before standing up. "Stay here a minute." Niall said, which was a bit silly seeing as Liam wasn't going to move anywhere, bones far too weak to move.

Liam was almost falling asleep when Niall returned, fresh, warm clothes in his arm and a bottle of water that Liam was desperate for. He dried Liam best he could, also allowing Liam to dry himself where he felt was private. Helping Liam into his shirt and jumper, Niall smiled noticing how Liam's cheeks also had a little colour. He wasn't better but he was definitely on the mend.

Once Liam was dressed, Niall having opted for the biggest and baggiest shirt and jumper, sweatpants and a pair of his own fluffy socks, Niall helped Liam to sit on the toilet seat as he brushed his teeth. Once he was done, Niall passed him the water and Liam sipped it, not wanting to annoy what was now at peace.

Niall once again left the bathroom and returned with Harry who helped take him to his bed. Liam's were barely on the ground as the two boys helped carry him to the warmth of his blankets.

Zayn had left a couple pills and another bottle of water on Liam's bedside table, in case he was in need of them. Louis had tried to make Liam's bed again, folding any blankets he may or may not need.

With the help of his boys, Liam was now back in bed. Chest feeling somewhat relieved, stomach not so much queasy. His head felt light and he was ready to sleep the rest of his illness off. "Thanks lads." Liam mumbled to them all, eyes closing as he drifted off into a sleep that did him good.

Hope you enjoyed!!

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