45| Epilepsy (Harry)

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Request from : harrysafternoon
Hope you enjoy..!

The boys all decided on watching a film together — they'd been very busy and wanted nothing more than to relax.

Harry particularly had been feeling quite exhausted recently, nearly unable to stay awake when he needed to be. However, the most frustrating part of it all was that he still struggled to fall asleep.

So, the idea of watching endless amounts of movies whilst snacking on different foods was appealing.

Now at their shared home, the boys sat around the living room, Niall, Liam and Louis across one sofa, Zayn and Harry on the other. In front of them sat the coffee table, copious amounts of snacks spread amongst it.

As Harry sat down, he could feel how his eyes almost fell shut. He was so tired that he had forgotten the idea of watching a film. That was until Zayn nudged him.

"Harry, press play mate."

Like that he was awake again, hands quickly fumbling for the tv remote, muttering a "sorry." To the boys as they waited eagerly for the film to begin.

And soon the screen was moving with pictures, colours bright and lighting up the darkened room. Harry squinted slightly, the boldness of the imagery burning his eyes.

As the film played on, Harry started to feel more tired — uncomfortable even.

The sound of the tv was getting to him more than usual, the images were hurting his head. He also started to notice that his hands were beginning to tap nonstop against his though; that was a nervous habit for whenever he was anxious.

Harry was confused, but only because these were all signs that related to his epilepsy. He didn't suffer with fits or seizures often, that being with the help of his medications that he took regularly.

So Harry didn't link the two together, instead blaming it on his exhaustion.

When the nausea began to kick in, that was when Harry became more aware of the situation. Now he was doubting himself, thinking, 'did I take my medication today?' 'did I eat something bad for me?' It sent him into a small panic.

Needing to excuse himself in order to grab a drink, he mumbled something to the boys, alerting them that he was thirsty.

Only, as he stood up, he was hit with a wave of dizziness. He reached out to grab the sofa for a sense of stability, but before he could he felt as his body suddenly collapsed to the floor.

"Fuck!" Zayn panicked, moving beside Harry's fallen body.

When Harry started to fit, all boys leapt from the seat and moved to try and help immediately.

Having dealt with this before, Liam quickly moved the coffee table from where it was only a few feet from Harry's head. That way they could avoid any further injury.

"Time it, make sure to time it!" Louis spoke quickly, watching with nervous eyes as Niall helped to turn Harry on his side gently, in hopes it would avoid any chance of him choking.

They could only move a few inches away from Harry's fitting body, Zayn eyeing them timer nervously before flicking his attention back to Harry.

Louis was itching to try and help, yet he was frozen on the spot, chewing on his nails and trying to calm his restless heartbeat.

Niall stood up carefully and moved to the kitchen to grab a drink for when Harry gained conscious.

When the timer seemed to just pass two minutes, Harry's body stilled, muscles obviously relaxing. The boys stayed quiet, not wanting Harry to come back to too much noise or fuss.

Harry soon came around, cheeks blushing in slight embarrassment. His breaths were still shaky, but it was better than his previous episode.

"It's okay H." Niall spoke softly, slow to bring a gently hand to Harry's shoulder, helping him to sit up slowly. As he sat up, he winced at the small pain he gained from being on the floor for too long.

"You okay now?" Louis asked worriedly, moving forwards to kneel in front of Harry. Harry nodded whilst taking the glass of water and sipping on it slightly.

However, something still felt off to Harry, as he swallowed down his drink, his brain was still fuzzy and his limbs felt like lead.

"Any idea what caused it?" Liam asked him, taking the glass from his hands when he no longer wanted it.

"Just...just tired.." he answered, speech quietening towards the end.

Zayn frowned at that, observing how Harry seemed to be staring at nothing, eyes emotionless.

"Harry," he called, only there was no reply, "haz.." Zayn's spoke again, and when there was still no answer, the boys became quickly panicked again.

It was a good thing Liam and Niall had a hold of Harry's shoulders, as his body soon began to jerk harshly again.

"fuck- this has never happened twice before." Louis whispered partly to himself and partly to the others.

The two helped Harry return to his msging position, again checking there was nothing to hurt him.

Louis sat beside Harry's head, wanting to be able to comfort him, it was quite obvious he was in pain.

"No, Lou, we can't touch him until he's awake." Zayn reminded him and Louis already knew that, but he was worried.

"I know, I just..." and he looked towards Harry, frowning at the sight.

When Niall brought up that he'd been timing this second seizure, they became aware of the fact this had been going on a lot longer, and still had yet to finish.

"We need to call an ambulance!" Louis rushed, hands digging in his pockets for phone.

And he told them what was going on with a panicked tone, Zayn placing a hand on Louis' shoulder to keep him calm.

When the call was finished, Harry began to calm, but still the timer had gone on for minutes too long, and a second seizure was very rare for Harry.

Once he was more aware, Liam informed him that the ambulance crew were going to be arriving soon, Harry only groaned but understood. He still felt slightly woozy, sleep daring to overtake him.

The medical team were quick to their attention, observing Harry and placing immediate tests on him, all whilst helping him into a stretcher. The boys stayed close together, all assuring each other that Harry would be fine.

As the ambulance drive off to the hospital, the boys followed, nervous to hear any bad results, but sure that their friend was going to be okay.

Hope this was okay!
Kinda rushed so sorry if there are any mistakes.

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