47| Sick From Nerves (Niall)

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Here you go loveliesss :)

The problem with being a music artist — and a massively famous one at that — was the nerves that came with it.

Niall rarely got anxious before a performance, but there were times where it all hit him at once. He'd realise the fact that they were actually performing to thousands and thousands of people. Then he'd be feeling on edge, teeth chewing nervously at his nails.

Tonight the boys were to sing in front of their biggest crowd yet. The stadium was massive, they had yet to explore it, but it was for sure much larger than their previous tours.

When they were told that the tickets for the stadium had sold out in a matter of minutes, they all felt like crying.

"Fucking hell-" Zayn had laughed in disbelief, smile unable to wipe from his face.

They owed it all to their fans, really.

But now, as time went on, Niall was only becoming more agitated. Feet tapping restlessly, heart feeling as if it was in his throat. He could practically hear his own heartbeat repeating back heavily in his ears.

"Boys, I don't think I can do this." Niall spoke up suddenly, and all heads turned to face him.

They were sat in the small dressing room backstage, pushed up together on a brown leather sofa.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked, sitting forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

Niall swallowed thickly, shoulders tense and voice shaky, "I- the concert...I feel sick." He tried to explain, eyes staring at the floor.

"I'm sure you'll be fine." Harry assured him, placing a hand on his back, frowning a little at how Niall's body seemed rested beneath his palm.

Niall had to physically stop himself from pulling at his freshly styled hair — he didn't want to mess it up and have to sit and redo it. He could feel how he was beginning to sweat, this never happened usually.

"No- I'm serious. I don't think I can." He looked up with wide eyes, for some reason he felt absolutist petrified.

"You've done this multiple times before, mate." Liam told him, confused himself as to why Niall seemed to be so worked up about it.

"I know. I know, I just..." he felt to tired to carry on, all this panicking was wearing him out. He sat back against the back of the sofa, trying to calm himself as he closed his eyes.

"Ten minutes!"

Niall sat up abruptly at that, he wasn't ready to leave for stage in ten. His knowledge of the time only sent him into more despair.

"Hey, you'll be fine Niall, okay?" Zayn spoke softly, and Niall could only wait and hope that all would be okay.

The clock ticked on, and now they were entering the five minute area. Soon the five would have to be leaving for the stage.

"We should head off now." Harry glanced at the time on his watch, fuck Niall thought to himself.

Niall stood up with shaky legs, ignoring the way his limbs felt like jelly, as well as the way his stomach felt like it was trying to digest itself.

He sighed and followed after the four boys, holding a water bottle in hand, sipping from it slightly.

Already, they could hear the sound of fans waiting for them to join the stage. This only made Niall more unsettled.

He held his hand over his stomach as it swirled uncomfortably. Sweat seemed to make his shirt stick to his back and he grimaced at the feeling, wiping his forehead with his free hand.

"Just a minute now." They were informed and at those words Niall's stomach seemed to lurch.

He turned around on the spot, eyeing the bin. Hurrying towards it, he was just quick enough as his stomachs contents cane spilling out. Doubling over, his hands grasped at either side of the bin.

Liam practically gasped, Niall's sudden vomiting being unexpected. Louis was quick to his side, running a hand up and down his back. Zayn ran off to tell someone of the event and Harry watched nervously.

"Shit." Niall gasped for breath, choking on his own saliva as his stomach emptied itself once more. Louis grimaced, yet kept trying to reassure him.

Niall was so very glad that they had had yet to be connected to any microphones. The fans hearing him throw up was not something he wanted.

"God, Niall, didn't realise you were this nervous." Harry sympathised, eyes flickering to see Zayn return with a member of their team.

Niall stood up straight, grabbing a bottle of water and cleaning out the disgusting taste from his mouth.  He was happy to say he felt a bit better now he'd chucked up.

"You can sit out for the first few songs if needed." He was informed, but he shook his head no.

"I'll give it a go, I think I'll be alright now." He gave a weak smile, "just need to sing a few I think."

"You sure?" Louis asked him, not so keen on the idea himself.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll just pretend there's no audience or something."

At that the five chuckled, each patting Niall on the back — for assurance he guessed.

"We should actually go on stage now, I think they've been waiting long enough." Zayn motioned towards the stage area where screams of fans could be heard.

With that, they were each sorted microphones and needed equipment, murmuring a few words to each other before heading for the stage.

The crowds cheered louder than ever, and throughout the concert, the boys all made sure to check up on Niall and his nerves.

In the end, he was alright.

This ones a little short, but I hope you enjoyed :)))

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