16| Broken bone (Liam)

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Sorry for not updating in a while <3

The boys had decided to go on a hike, it would be both good exercise and a great way to have some fresh air. The weren't exactly too sure of which way to go but they just followed the path and hoped it'd lead them somewhere nice.

Each of the boys had a bag on their backs, all filled with necessary items that they'd need. "How long do you think this is going to take?" Harry asked, tightening the straps on his bag. Zayn shrugged his shoulders, "however long it takes us to reach somewhere nice." He told Harry. Harry rolled his eyes playfully, "well I know that." He said.

Luckily not too many people were around, so they were free to roam whichever area they wanted to.

The hike began and all boys set off, bags rattling with random items as they walked together. The air was warm, a cool breeze often brushing past them. "I have wanted to do this for so long." Liam said, admiring the view they already had as he continued to walk.

The place they'd chosen to walk had the most amazing views and all were sure there'd be some awesome pictures taken. The pathway started to become a little grassier as they walked for the along the trail, thankfully the boys had opted on wearing older trainers instead of new shoes.

Time skip...

The boys had been waking for around an hour, they started to build up a little sweat having been on foot non stop. They found a larger area along the way, stopping for a few minutes to have a needed drink and food if wanted.

Louis sat on the floor wincing as he took off one of his shoes. "My feet are killing me..." he said looking at his blistered ankle. "I told you to wear longer socks." Niall said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, yeah." Louis sighed, "did one of you happen to bring plasters?" Louis asked, having not brought some of his own. Liam nodded, taking off his bag and unzipping it, he searched through his bag until he found what he was looking for. "Course you did payno." Louis smirked, thanking Liam as he passed him the plaster.

Once all the boys were ready to begin walking again, they set off. It was already mid day and the sun was shining a little brighter than before.

"Lads m'gonna have to stop a minute." Niall breathed, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. "You alright?" Zayn asked worriedly, Niall was always like a little brother to him. "Yeah..." Niall assured, "just bloody boiling." He chuckled, taking off his jumper and tying it around his waist. "Well, make sure you drink something then. Don't want you passing out on us." Liam warned, passing Niall a bottle of water, even though he already had one.

"Daddy direction back at it again." Zayn teased, and Harry laughed at him, hand clutching his stomach as he did so. "Someone's gotta look out for you." Liam smiled, knowing that they were just joking about.

"Well, thanks for stalling us Niall, at this rate we aren't gonna get there till dark." Louis fussed, frown covering his features. "At least I'm not the irresponsible one who didn't prepare for blisters." Niall shot back, grinning as he knew he was getting on his friends nerves. "C'mon lads, let's just keep walking yeah." Liam mumbled, pulling niall by the arm past Louis so he could walk ahead.

"He really is our dad." Harry snickered to Zayn, following after the other free. "Oi, I can hear you." Liam called, the smile obvious in his voice.

Time skip...

Another hour or so had passed, the boys we're a little tired yes, but they didn't want to turn back yet, and they also knew there were a few views they wanted to check out first.

To get across to another part of the ground, the boys had to jump down quite a hight. "Mate I'm not to sure." Liam told Louis, placing a hand on his shoulder as he looked at the drop. "Yeah, Lou, I'm with Liam on this." Niall joined, also not positive about the whole idea. "Oh don't be wimps, it's fine." Louis exclaimed. "Look...I'll go first okay."

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