9| Appendicitis (Louis)

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A/N: I tried to do as much research as possible, but sorry if anything is incorrect.

The pain in Louis' stomach was unbearable, sharp jabbing pains making it impossible for him to sleep. He groaned to himself, hand clutching his poorly stomach tightly. Sitting up, he looked around his room, having completely lost hope in going to sleep.

The pain seemed to have gone by the time he'd switched his tv on. He smiled a little, happy that the ache was now gone. Sitting back against the headboard of his bed, he turned on a favourite film of his.

It'd come to a funny part, he smiled knowing it was coming. Then it happened, and Louis laughed to himself, completely forgetting about his previously hurting gut. Suddenly a searing pain went through Louis' stomach, he hissed and winced. Him laughing seemed to have brought back the horrible pain. "What..?" He asked himself, lifting his shirt to see nothing unusual. He was confused, maybe he'd just eaten something bad, he thought.

Eventually the sound of the tv lulled him to sleep, his hand resting upon his chest. Soon enough soft snores were escaping his slightly parted lips.

Time skip...

Morning soon rolled around, and Louis was still peacefully asleep. No pains seemed to cause him to wake up during the night.

When Louis woke up, he noticed how he had a slight cramp in mostly the right side of his stomach. He was too tired to point out if it was anything serious, so he just carried on with his normal routine. When walking, Louis picked up on the fact that a dull ache appeared and faded with every step. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him.

He headed downstairs, pace a lot slower than usual. "Mornin'" Liam said, fingers tapping to a random beat on the table. "Mhmm." Louis mumbled back in reply, looking for something that could ease the soreness.

Louis' stomach rumbled, he hadn't eaten anything for dinner the previous night, having not felt hungry. Louis moved his hand to his stomach, pushing on the area to shush his noisy stomach. "Ah!" He cries out, pulling his hand away from his stomach. Liam stood up quickly, hurrying to his friend. "What's the matter? Are you okay?" Liam rushed, placing a hand on Louis' back.

Louis couldn't answer, all of a sudden he felt so sick. His face turned awfully pale, and he knew that he had to make a run for the bathroom otherwise he'd accidentally puke on Liam. He ran past Liam, almost bumping into and knocking over Harry, "woah, slow down tommo." He chuckled, unaware of the fact that Louis thought he was going to puke everywhere.

A worried Liam ran past Harry too, causing him to look in their direction and wonder if he should follow. He did, mostly because he was curious.

Louis sat in front of the toilet, eyes wide and mouth ajar, waiting for the worst. Liam arrived shortly, holding his hand against his back and watching cautiously. Louis coughed but nothing came up, it only worsened the irritation in his stomach. "Oww-" Louis whined, holding his arms around his middle. He felt dreadful, absolutely dreadful.

"You alright in here?" Harry asked, appearing in the doorway watching as Liam comforted an obviously uncomfortable Louis. "I dunno, he just ran." Liam said, looking back at Louis.

All was still and quiet for a moment, Louis made note to himself that it was best not to touch his stomach too much. However he was sure he wasn't going to be sick anymore. "I'm okay." He assured, interrupting the silence. "Yeah?" Liam asked, hand on Louis' shoulder. Louis nodded, standing up slowly and walking back to the kitchen with Liam and Harry following.

Three boys entered the kitchen to see Zayn making some toast and Niall with a guitar in his hands, because let's be honest, when didn't he. "Where'd you all come from?" Niall asked, accent a lot thicker seeing as he'd only just woken up. "Bathroom." Harry said, taking place on the seat opposite Niall. "All of you?" Zayn piped in, now buttering his slightly burnt toast. "Louis just felt sick is all." Liam told them, still watching Louis. The colour had yet to return to his face.

"Oh- you alright lou?" Niall asked concerned, playing a few random tunes on his instrument. "Yeah..." Louis mumbled, smiling at the Irishman, "I'm alright." Niall nodded before randomly breaking out into a new song he'd recently been writing.

All boys now sat around the table, eating food, talking, listening to Niall's guitar play some beautiful sounds. Louis on the other hand, slouched in his seat, hand carefully placed on his throbbing stomach. The pain had returned again, stronger than before, focusing on the right side of his body. He knew it couldn't have been appendicitis though, he always remembered it being on the left hand side.

Oh how he was so very wrong.

Not having much appetite, Louis turned down any offers of food. As much as he usually enjoyed the eggs Liam made or the bacon that was stacked high on a plate, he just wasn't sure he could stomach it. He didn't even feel hungry.

However he did feel warm, he felt how his temperature seemed to have risen in the past ten minutes he'd been sat down. "Lou, you sure you're alright mate? Your cheeks are lookin' a bit flushed." Niall asked, no longer playing anything on his guitar. No, Louis didn't feel alright. He knew his temperature had gone up, but to assure himself he was okay, he had to assure the others. "I'm okay, must be the heat in the room." He smartly told them, thinking of how bacon had been sizzling in a pan not long before.

Time skip...

Everyone decided on watching a film, a nice way to relax into the afternoon before they had to start more interviews the next day. Louis sat on a sofa by himself, Zayn and Harry on the other sofa, and Niall and Liam on the floor.

Seeing as there was space, Louis starfished on the sofa, limbs sprawling out everywhere. He hoped it would ease his stomach pain, he could only hope...

They boys were about half way through the movie when the most dreadful pain stabbed Louis in his stomach. He lurched forwards, arms clutching his agitated middle. He cried out in pain as again another stabbing sensation appeared. The boys looked towards him horrified, unsure of what to do.

Liam rush over first, putting a hand on Louis' back. "Louis what's wrong?" He asked, eyes fearful. "St-stomach." Louis managed to say, cradling his body. Not exactly sure of what to do, Liam beckoned one of the boys over to help him take Louis to the bathroom. All Liam thought was that his friend was going to vomit.

Liam and Niall held Louis either side, keeping strong grip on his arms. But being careful not to nudge or jolt his stomach. All of a sudden Louis doubled over, the pain being too much. "Fuck." He gasped, hands clutching his shirt that seemed way to tight.

The two boys helped gently lower Louis to the floor, Liam hurried to get a bucket so that he wasn't to be sick all over the floor. Niall watched sympathetically as Louis laid on the floor, body curling into fetal position as whimpers left his lips.

Harry and Zayn came back with Liam, Liam placed the bucket a few places away from Louis' head. They weren't exactly sure what to do except from watch and make sure nothing else happened.

"Hold on." Zayn said, brain suddenly clicking. "What? What's wrong?" Harry panicked. Zayn knelt down to Louis, "lou, where is your stomach hurting?" He asked, hoping he wouldn't get the answer he thought he would.

Louis pointed you the right side of his stomach, Zayn's eyes opens immediately in panic. "Shit!" He said, standing back up. "I think he's got something wrong with his appendix." Zayn told them as calmly as he could. Except the minute he told them, all hell was let loose. All boys hurried to quickly but carefully get Louis into the car, rushing to get him to the hospital.

Louis lay with his head resting in Zayn's lap, still a firm hold on his stomach. Soon they arrived at the hospital, Niall alerting a doctor whilst the rest of the boys came spilling out the car carrying Louis.

They were lucky really, if it'd been left any longer, then his appendix would've exploded. Louis was quick to be taken in for an operation, the boy sat on edge, hoping for the best.

Louis was okay, everything went fine. The boys were happy to see Louis not in pain. He took it slow for a few weeks, staying to have rest. The fans understood when they couldn't do what they had planned. Everyone just wanted Louis feeling 100%, and he was definitely on the mend.

Hope you enjoyed!!!

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