49| Sick & Scared (Zayn)

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Request from : Syd_Tpwk
Hope you enjoy

If there was one thing Zayn hated, it was being ill. Just the thought of queasy stomachs and snotty noses was enough to turn him pale, and send his heart racing.

So when he woke up, head aching and gut twisting uncomfortably, the first thing he wanted to do was cry. Bringing a hand to his face, he sighed heavily. Today was not his day, and it had only just begun.

The room seemed far too bright, despite the curtains blocking out the light. Zayn cradled his head in his hands, skull rattling, pressure building sickeningly.

"Fucking shit." He mumbled, words barely passing his lips. This was not good.

He hauled himself out of bed, staggering slightly as he stood up. His hands reached to grasp for any stable object that would keep him upright.

When he didn't feel as if he was going to fall over, he took a step, immediacy regretting it as his stomach flipped inside out and he was sent running to the bathroom.

Legs buckling, Zayn hovered above the toilet bowl, skin prickled with goosebumps, neck damp with sweat.

He squeezed his eyes in discomfort and agony, clutching onto his shirt as his stomach clenched and tightened beneath his grasp.

He could barley get another shaky breath in before he was retching loudly. His body shook with each lurch, each round of throwing up more weakening then the last.

It was almost as if he couldn't breath, choking on bile as it forced its way up his throat, burning his insides with nonchalance.

Zayn heaved out a cough, spitting into the once clean water below him. Groaning, he reached to flush away his stomachs contents, swallowing thickly as it soon disappeared.

His head rested back against the cool tiles on the wall, yet they soon warmed up with his body temperature, no longer appealing to his overheated skin.

Minutes must have passed — hours even — but Zayn still sat on the floor of the bathroom, sweat dripping down his face, cheeks pale and hands left shaking as they sat in his lap.

He was startled when the bathroom door opened, and in walked Louis. It was obvious he'd just woken up; hair disheveled, eyes sleepy and pillow marks on his face.

"Fucking hell!" Louis said much too loud for Zayn's liking. So, he must've finally noticed the pretty much motionless body sat beside the toilet.

"Mate, you look like shit." Louis winced, crouching down to Zayn and taking in his appearance. Bleary eyes and a sweaty shirt was not a good look.

Zayn didn't even feel able to reply with a snarky comment, he just felt...apathetic. Completely run down.

Louis helped sit Zayn up properly, moving him to instead rest on the closed toilet seat. He kind of guessed Zayn had thrown up, purely due to the way his mate looked.

So he passed him his toothbrush, brushing his own teeth as well — may as well kill two birds with one stone.

He waited patiently whilst Zayn cleaned his teeth drowsily, hand barely holding up the toothbrush.

Louis felt awful for him, really.

Winding an arm around his waist, he helped bring Zayn to the comfort of the living room, only having to stop along the way once when Zayn was almost sure his stomach was going to empty itself another time.

Louis passed Niall in the kitchen, telling him the news of Zayn's current health status, as he grabbed a fresh bottle of water and some stomach relaxers.

Zayn watched as Louis returned with a couple of items, followed by Niall who also looked equally as sleepy still.

"You look proper ill Zayn.." Niall smiled sympathetically.

Zayn nodded as if he didn't already know that, "feel it." He replied, taking a sip from the bottle of water Louis had kindly opened for him.

Within minutes, he was passed out on the sofa, having fallen asleep to the introduction of some crappy tv programme.

Time skip...

Zayn wasn't quite sure what was happening when he woke up, all he knew was that he felt way to sweaty, skin feeling on fire. He was also aware of the bile creeping up his throat.

There was barely enough time for him to motion the need to go to the bathroom, before a bin was being shoved under his chin.

It was rough. That's all he could remember.

Stomach cramps so painful, tears actually falling from his eyes as he gagged and heaved, body emptying until nothing else was able to come up.

He could recall hands on his back attempting to calm him, voices trying to comfort him and assure him. But it wasn't exactly working.

Before he knew it, he had completely passed out, body drained and weakened, running on nothing.

"Zayn...Z..." he was awoken by Harry, hand gently shaking his shoulder. He glanced to see Liam beside him, looking more than slightly worried. Louis and Niall more or less the same, biting their nails with anxiousness.

"I feel so tired." Was all he could say, because it was the truth, and he wanted to go back to sleep.

"I know, but we need to go to the doctors first."

That caught his attention. He sat up, shaky limbs holding up his own body weight.

"No." He panicked, "please, I don't want to."

Something else Zayn hated entirely, was any form of hospital care, or any doctors or the sort. He hated the smell, he hated just the way it felt to be there, 9/10 times you would be there for something bad. Doctors — just a no, definitely not.

"Zayn, this isn't right, we just need to make sure everything's okay." Liam spoke up, and christ, the boys all seemed to have pained looks on their faces. It was as if him being ill was affecting them physically too, he didn't want that.

"But- boys, y'know I don't like it." He tried to reason, "I actually feel fine now." He lied.

He felt like absolute shit.

"Zayn, you don't feel fine, we know you're lying." Niall spoke softly, and Zayn's shoulders sagged in defeat.

There was no getting out of this.

Getting into the car however — that was different story. The boys practically had to drag Zayn into the car, taking the fact he was really ill into consideration. Harry and Liam sat beside him, just to make sure he didn't move from his space in the car.

It was good that they managed to take him to the doctors really, as within minutes of being in the moving vehicle, Zayn decided to spend the rest of the twenty minute journey throwing up.

It was pretty horrific, and definitely not right, something was wrong for sure.

When they finally arrived, all five boys looking exhausted, and four out of the five now scared they were going to catch whatever it was their friend had, Zayn was taken for a check up.

Turns out he had gastroenteritis, something that had been caused by bacterial infections. Luckily, he was given options that were to supposedly help with the issue.

The boys were glad when within a few days Zayn was feeling okay again, no more throwing up or fevers. They just hoped they'd never have to deal with something like that again.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry for not updating in a while :))

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