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7 November 2018

It was a beautiful day, well for a school day it seemed pretty okay. The sun was shining high up in the sky, a pretty typical African summer afternoon (in other words hot as hell). The dreadful school day had just ended so it was time to spend time doing whatever we can to stay away from home, so in other words play soccer till . . . whenever.

My group of friends are pretty new actually, each year since the beginning of Grade 8 (or 8th grade whatever you wanna call it) I have been hanging out with a new group of friends which has a few people from my old crew. Pretty strange right?
This new group is the best by far and had the most people (there are twenty of us to be exact). We were a mixture of grade nines, tens and elevens the most diverse group in the school in terms of character but we were racially diverse to-by that I mean only two other people weren't black-, we were not popular, okay I was not popular but a few of the others were pretty well known, infact a few were pretty popular.

Anyway, school had just finished and we were all outside the office where we usually hang out after school for a while. We were waiting for those who were waiting for their parents to pick them up from school, while having a bunch of conversations.
Yes, we were one group but this is life, some people are closer friends than others.
The Squad was a mixture of two general groups of people; the geeks and the naughty boys. These two groups may sound like they don't go together but we surprisingly gel awkwardly well, mainly because everyone as a naughty and a geek-ish aspect. the one thing that really helped us gel together were girls because 99,5% of us were perverted (I'm obviously the 0,5 %), Okayy...maybe perverted is too strong of a word, but they talked about alot of uhm . . . "PG18 stuff" (if you catch my drift).

"Mzala check that chick out over there!" I was day dreaming as usual but I didn't have to turn around to know who was speaking, it was the leader of the PG group Mabhena the one and only, oh by the way Mzala means cousin in Zulu, don't worry I have no idea how to speak it so you won't here alot of it.

"My man she is way too young to even consider." said Andrew with the most disgusted look on his face.
" Hey! Age is just a number." Mabhena replied as he continued to stare at A GRADE 8 CHILD.

I understood the look on Andrew's face but I was not surprised, this happens daily.

"You don't understand maybe when you grow up you will understand, let me speak to some real men." Mabhena continued as he walked towards Yaatie his slightly older brother.
"Yaatie do you think I should go talk to that girl."
"Obvious boi do the things that need to be done." Yaatie replies with a look that seemed to say "If you fail I'm going in".

"You aren't seriously going to go?" I finally decided to speak.
"What's wrong, you think she won't like me?"
"Nah, it's not that, it's just that. . . your 16 she's 14."
"After 12 is lunch!" Yaatie shouted so loud people started to stare at us.

At that point there was no point arguing so I let them go, poor little girl.

Once the school was a little empty it was time to play football. Ahh, the beautiful game, honestly there is nothing more beautiful than this, I may not be as good as Ronaldo but I like to think I'm not too far from professional quality. I don't score as much as Andrew or Mabhena (who is too good to be playing with us) but I know I am among the top 7 in the group.

After we played till our school shirts were wet from sweat, we headed home. Luckily most of us lived in Bloubosrand, which is a little urban residential area. It's so small you can run around it in under 25 minutes, well that's only if you are as fast as me.
There were only 10 of us playing football and only 4 of us lived in Bloubosrand which was Mabhena, Yaatie, Wayne and I.

We basically have the same routine every day nothing particularly special we just talk and laugh, but this day was special and I don't know why I can't stop thinking about it.

As we approached the corner of the school by the traffic lights there were a group of girls talking at the corner, which usually doesn't interest me, but as we got closer I was starstruck. She was the hottest . . . no the most beautiful girl, I have ever seen. She had this beautiful dark chocolatey skin complexion, she was short but I didn't really notice at first because she oozed confidence, her hair was braided and tied back which made it easier to focus on her facial features and she had a stunning athletic body, she was not to muscular it was just . . . perfect. She had beautiful eyes, I don't know how I knew because I was not really close to her.
I continued to stare at her, she had this amazing smile that made me feel warm in the inside.

"Yho, then you will see a snakes bums!" She shouted as she laughed with her friends.

That was the strangest thing I have ever heard in my life, yet it made me feel happy because it meant she was not like any other girl.

"Eh, bruv what the hell is that supposed to mean." Wayne said looking as puzzled as the others.
"Man she is so quiet in class but outside she is so loud." Mabhena laughed as we walked away and the girls just giggled.

"Who the hell is that girl is she new?" I asked still dazed by her beauty.
"Mzala, that's Iris, she's in our English class." Mabhena replied
"Yeah dawg." Yaatie added
"What since when?"

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