Chapter 21. Ever so sweet

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The morning walk was ever so sweet
Hot but the reason for my travel was worth it

The journey was long but the reason gave me the zeal endure
I managed to beat
the blistering heat
Just so we could meet

Finally the destination I arrived
And I reached it in Four ways
I approached the evil store
Then searched for the one who was to be deemed worthy

There hoovered hundreds but only three hoovered out
The Perfect one
The past tense
And the one who could not be defined, terrified or even classified

All were glorious
But I chose the one who's grace is infinite
A daughter with a meaning to match her mother
Symbol of honey and lemon's interlocked destiny
For the one who sees the best in me

Symbol of bikers that ride on a windy day with hearts intertwined
At the end of her chains is the one  heart that symbolises two
The two hearts are one
And the one heart is two

Sunrise and sunset
I waited for the day They first met
Finally the day arrived and I prepared for I knew the next time we meet
you shall hoover above her feet

First her heart I softened with a rose
Then at first sight love's beauty she fell in love with
Beauty to match beauty
Hopeful Love for The Lord's love

For hope, love and faith abide
And by the silver hope
our love and faith is bound
It shall never end just as the hope is wrapped around love
For the Lord's love shall always move with hope around her

And the man's faith shall always remain with The Love Of God
Scraped off like dust from wood
Was faith

Faith was casted out onto the ground
Until it united with love
Seeded together
Watered by hope
To grow Love period

Now in her life
Hope lays in a heart shaped
Silver lining wrapped around
Her mortal flesh
By means of steady clips,
all in the name of I...
A symbol of love
I sigh

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