Chapter 16. After Math

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At this point I was fuming I turned around and I saw Mabhena talking to one of them the other two had fled the scene.
Mabhena then walked towards me with Yaatie's bag and mine in his hands.
"That guy said he thinks he knows me and he will try get our phones back from the other two." He handed over my bag.
I just looked at him and kept on walking. I couldn't think about anything but my phone. I couldn't even feel the pain I was walking normally but looked like I had been hit by a bus.

"Hey guys come across the road!" Yaatie shouted.

We crossed the road and went to the petrol station where Yaatie was. Yaatie ran while we were getting robbed but what we didn't know is that he called the police. I didn't care though because the South African police force from what I had heard was utterly useless.
We then explained our story to the petrol attendants. One man overheard the conversation and decided to go look for the robbers. As he was about to leave we saw one of them walking across the road.

"Hey you stop right there!" He shouted as he began to chase after him.

He later returned and as soon as he returned the police arrived. We explained our story once again. Well I actually hadn't said anything since the incident. The police arrived earlier than I expected but I didn't care.

"Ok boys wait here we are coming." Detective Jacobs said as he drove off with his partner.
I was just thinking about my poor phone. The words "Will I ever see it again" kept on running through my mind.
"God please let me get my phone back" I thought as I was deep in my conscious.
Then the police returned.
"Is this your phone." He said
"Yes!" I jumped as I tried to receive it before he put it away.
He toke me to the back of the van and asked me "Are these the guys?"
I confirmed that it was the two out of the three.

They said we had to go with them to write a statement at the police station, it sounded like standard police procedure so we agreed.
We then entered the van (obviously not where the robbers where). We headed to the police station which was not far from our houses and the petrol station.

When we reached the station they took our statements and I was told by some lady at the reception that it could take 2 YEARS for our case to go to court, what nonsense is that.

Why the hell does it take so long? The caught the bloody bastards red handed they shouldn't need to do anything else.

Apparently our phones were being used as "evidence" so we couldn't take them home.

Just perfect!

Like what kind of a system is that, evidence is used to prove that the person did or did not commit the crime. These people were caught but now we should wait and just let them keep our phones, what nonsense.

Once all the statements were in we waited for our parents.

"Dude, you look like kak." Mabhena laughed but I just looked at him with a serious face and he stopped laughing.

A few minutes later I started to feel the pain.

"I told you not to be using that stupid short cut." My father said as we sat in the parking lot.
"Are you crazy, how could you think of fighting, what if they had guns." My mother complained.
I was too pissed at that moment so I kept quiet to avoid an argument.

Every part of my body hurt like hell. I haven't been beaten like that in a while but I know my body can recover from it.

I wasn't able to get out of bed the next morning so I didn't go to school. After having such a wonderful time, life reminded me that my misery is eternal. I am still shocked at the situation I am in and I'm still angry at my friends for watching me get beaten up. That moment played through my head the entire day and the pain still felt fresh.

I have no phone and I can barely walk, just when I thought everything was okay, just when I felt a little happiness, this happens! Sometimes it feels like the world is against me, I wonder why I even bother waking up sometimes.

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