Chapter 19. Best Part

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"What are you listening to?" I ask Iris.
"Oh, I beg your pardon?" She asks as I sit next to her.
"What you listening to?" I ask again.
"Oh, it's Focus by H.E.R. ."
We were in the reception area, I turned and saw Jewel walking by.
"Jewel is a singer!" I gasp.
"No not her, H.E.R. is an artist." She laughs at my confusion.
"Wahh? So there is a female singer whose stage name is her?"
" Yes, and by the way it spelled with capital letters and a full stop at the end of each letter."
"Oh, H.E.R. how creative." I smile. "Is SHE, any good?"
"Wow I see what you did there, and yes she is one of my favourite."

As usual we walked to class together but today she has been busy helping teachers and I have not spoken to her since our morning conversation.
It was my first time chilling with the gang at break in a long time because I'm either with Iris or at the library doing homework (life hack).

"Dude do you have any H.E.R. songs?" I asked Andrew.
"Ya of course, my sis loves H.E.R."
"Uhm sure, can I listen to some tracks? I'll even use my earphones."
"You still have those?"
" Of course you can listen mate, I suggest you listen to best part Iris loves that song."

I listened to Focus and best part (which isn't actually a H.E.R. song), the songs are beautiful but when I listened to other songs I noticed that H.E.R.'s lyrics are really sexual which shocked me because this is what Iris listened to on a daily.

I walked to the library before the bell rang and I saw Iris was still helping teachers out. I really love the fact that she is so kind and willing to help people but she really needs to relax a little, I should buy her a chocolate, they always help me relax.

After stopping by the tuck shop I walked towards Iris and Jewel who were sorting papers in the library.
"Hey gals!" I said loudly.
"Shhh!!" Iris shushed me.
"Hi Cameron." Jewel whispered.
"I noticed you have been busy have you even eaten yet?" I asked Iris.
" No, I will eat soon."
"You need to eat and relax a little,  you don't always have to be so busy."
Iris just rolled her eyes and said nothing else in response, I walked behind her and slipped two chocolate bars into her blazer pocket.
"Nchoo!" Jewel whispered.
"Ahh, you didn't have to buy me these, take them back." Iris said in an annoyed tone.
"I can't take them back because they are yours." I responded. "I can't take what's not mine."
"They aren't mine."
"Well they are in your pocket so they can't belong to anyone else."

The bell rang and Jewel left Iris and I in the Library. We had physics but Mrs Williams has a soft spot for Iris and my friends aren't snitches so we could skip her class with no problems. Iris wanted to continue sorting out the papers and I obviously decided to help her, she didn't want my help but I didn't give her another choice.

"Your really annoying, you know that right?" She smiled.
"Well if I don't annoy you then who will." I smiled back.
"Nchoo, your dimples are so cute!"
I stopped smiling immediately after she said that.
"Ahhh!! Not this again." I cover my cheeks.
"Ah come on I love seeing them."
"I'm not cute, I'm handsome." We laughed and carried on joking around while we worked.

We laughed and I enjoyed every minute of it, after a while we become quiet and a little more focused at the task at hand. Iris started explaining what we had to do next and I was completely zoned out.

Iris is just so beautiful, I couldn't help myself, I was just staring at her and enjoy the melodious sound of her voice and her mesmerising smile it's so beautiful and I think it's contagious because whenever she smiles all I can do is smile in return.

"What? Did I loose you in my explanation?" She smiled.
"Yes, and that's because I was to busy focusing on your captivating beauty."
"Ahh!! not this again."
"I just wanna see how beautiful you are
You know that I see it I know your a star
Where you go I'll follow no matter how far
If life is a movie then your the best part"
"So you listened to H.E.R., and you effectively used the lines of one of my favourite songs against me, did Andrew put you up to this?"

Before I could respond the librarian walked in and asked for a stapler. I reached for the stapler and so did Iris, she placed her hand on it and I unintentionally placed my hand on top of Iris's, we both paused and looked deep into each other's eyes. When I looked into her eyes the whole world paused and it felt like we were the only people on Earth. Nothing else existed and nothing else mattered except for Iris, all I could think of was Iris and all I could feel was the warmth of her hand and this magnetic feeling between us. I could see my whole future in her eyes and she was my future. I was completely dazzled by her syrup brown eyes,  it was like I was seeing them for the first time because they looked like a different kind of beauty.

"Stapler!!!" The librarian shouted and completely demolished our moment.

We carried on like nothing happened but I know we had a moment and I know she felt. . .something to.

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