Chapter 14. Pace

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I woke up to the sound of Bingo barking. It was 3 am and the stupid dog was barking like a mad dog. I went outside to see what the hell was going on and I couldn't believe what I saw... the bloody dog was barking at a tree, a stupid tree. I went back inside to go back to sleep after shouting my lungs out at her, I'm pretty sure I woke up the whole street but at that moment I didn't care.

After 30 minutes of tossing and turning I realized I can't sleep so I decided to take a jog to clear my head and make me tired, I was feeling uneasy after a talk with my parents.

Jogging helps me calm down, it's a really magical thing to me and it makes me think of The Flash who is the best superhero ever.
I admire The Flash because he always faces emotional problems, he is put in position that are really conflicting, he gets frustrated and depressed but he always finds a way out, plus his powers are super cool.

After my jogging session I felt inspired so I picked up my pen and sat on my bed and let the inspiration flow.

In the end my inspiration looked like this.


One step at a time
I pace myself
One step at a time
My heart beating rapidly
As I inhale
Faster than I exhale

My heart beating rapidly
The feeling better than the food I was eating
I push on as my energy is depleting
I rush as if I am late for a meeting
And I do have a meeting
A meeting with victory
A trophy-less champion I shall be

The blood flow within my body much much faster than my pace
The peace I am feeling it's as quiet as space
This peace is my little piece of heavenly grace
There are no golden streets
Only gravel and sand
I move through the streets with the feeling of complete bliss
As I receive the rising sun's kiss

The upbeat music in my ear matching my pace
I move like it's a race
As the cool breeze brushes my face

I pace myself

As the wind slices my cheeks
I take each step feeling the ground beneath my feet

I feel
Every stone, pebble and blade of grass beneath me
As I move up and done every gentle and steep slope

Each step I take sending vibrations through my body
I feel these vibrations
They feed me with energy
On the long stretch
These vibrations make me feel like I can go faster
I can do better
I have not unlocked my full potential
Every sense ignited and enhanced

As I focus
As I pace myself
I feel every vibration
I feel the wind upon my skin
The smell of the outdoors ever so beautiful
The sound of the wind ,the birds and my footsteps
Ever so soothing
Ever so peaceful
Every site clearer
The nature surrounding me giving me a miraculous view

As I pace myself

These senses and the adrenaline rush
Throughout my body
Make me feel as if I am part of something greater
I, more relaxed than ever
I breath in and breath out
I pace myself


Meh not bad.

You could do better.

Writing a poem is pretty relaxing, it helps me escape from everything and I think I'm pretty good at it even though I do get stuck and end up writing nonsense to fill in the blank spaces, I do a pretty good job. I only started writing recently so I am still practicing and finding my writing style. The experience is enlightening I am learning a lot about myself and how I feel about certain things like—

"Hey!" Someone shouts.
I turn around and see my sister.
"Did you eat my pie?!" She asks.
"So your disturbing me because of your stupid pie?" I respond.
"No I came for something else." She says sarcastically. "Of course I am here because of the pie!!"
"Whoa chill."
"I won't chill coz you ate my pie!"
"Did you check in the damn freezer?!" I yell.
"Why would it be in the freezer!" She says as she walks to the kitchen. "Oh! My bad!"

She disturbed me when I was deep in thought.


"I'm serious she really did say that to the teacher." Charlotte laughs.
"Whoa, so Iris does get angry." I laugh.
"Oh yeah before I forget, Melissa is having a pool party soon and you should come with me." Charlotte commands.
"I don't know, I don't do parties."
"Come on the whole grade will be there."
"Well if it's an open invitation why are you asking me to come as if I'm your plus one or something."
"Because if I don't you won't come." She validates her point.

Which is true because I don't really like crowds and I don't like going out. I have never been to a teenage party so this is pretty tempting.

"True but I just don't think I can."
"The Squad will be there and all the girls will be in bikinis." She says as she tries to persuade me.
" Tempting but no."
" Iris will be there and she might be in a bikini."
"You had me at Iris."

Oh my this could be a really important day. Me and Iris at the party, if teen movies are accurate then we may hook up at some corner.
When I asked Charlotte when it was she said just before finals on the 20th of October which is a few days after Iris's birthday.

I should probably relax because it's only early August so it's pretty far away from now so I need to focus on building our relationship.

I can feel the potential for something greater
I feel happier than ever
I breath in and out

As I pace myself

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