Chapter 7. Great Friends

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June 2019

I didn't really talk alot with Iris for a few months, so basically it's back to square one for me while my friends carry on competing. It's a joke for most but I become more and more convinced that it ain't a joke for Andrew.

I have missed about 3 days of school because my skin gets irritated in the winter(I will not go into detail for your sake). When I came back to school on Wednesday I was told that we had a dance project for Physical Education (why we were dancing instead of exercising is something I still don't know the answer to).

"Ma'am which group am I going to be in?" I ask Mrs Tina, who looks like she's supposed to be teaching any other subject, she where's clothing only Mabhena can approve of.
"You can go to Naomi's group." She says in her posh accent.

I was obviously thrilled because I know Naomi and I have been talking alot recently, she's alot like my friends loud, funny, football fan(a Chelsea fan to be specific), unique sense of humour and loves music, the only difference is the fact that she's really really smart and of course the fact that she has boobs.

"Looks like we are dancing together Smarty-pants!!!" She shouts while doing the nay nay.
"Whose in our group?"
"It's you and of course the lovely and beautiful Naomi-"
"Wow I'm honored" I laugh.
"Jack, Sibusiso, Michelle, Neema"
"Oh cool that's an okay group."
" Oh and Iris, I almost forgot."


"This is going to be so awkward."
Was the only thing I was thinking at that moment but I was also excited coz now I have a reason to constantly talk to her.
We made our way down the gray brick stairs with the gray stands on either side and leads down to the school field which is more yellow than green but it's functional. My group was on the right side of the field on a green patch between the goal posts and the part where the field ends at a small downward slope which is like a meter tall.

Jack led us into a really cool routine.

"Yeah! Cameron gets it. Bra you really good, do you dance?" Jack asked and my first response was going to be no but I guess something in me thought Iris will find my moves impressive and if so I could make my move, so I said yes and tragically I was asked to do a solo.

"Ohhh so Cameron and Jack will do a solo!! I wanna see a preview right now!" Neema shouted and I completely froze.
"Come on guys leave him, trust me his good you will have to wait and see." Naomi backed me up.

She and my other friends are the only ones who have seen me dance, I know I'm good but that's it, nothing too special I'm averagely good but they say otherwise.

After PE was physics and on my way I saw Iris was walking alone so I decided to start planting my seed again.

"It's my first time seeing you dance."
" Me too, but you are really good"
"I'm okay."
"Ohhh and his modest."
" Wahhhh? But you are actually pretty good too."
"I guess we both good."
"Yeah birds of a feather-"
"Dance together!" We say in unison and start laughing as we lined up for physics.

That moment gave me hope, but I have to keep a level head I shouldn't jump to conclusions.
The physics period was the same we laughed at the back of the lab, got shouted at, didn't do classwork and I obviously was staring at Iris and turned away when she or anyone else looked at me.
Some how I seem to like her more and more and the more we speak the worse the feeling gets and the more I begin to see her beauty, which is such a unique attribute sometimes I can barely describe it. I have reached a point now where I am suddenly more concerned about my appearance and some how. . . more confident and I don't know what exactly about her makes me act like this but some how it doesn't really feel like an act it feels some what natural, like it's the inner Cameron coming out of his cocoon.

At break I didn't chill with the gents I spent time talking to Kiki who I have been talking to frequently lately, I told him how I have been feeling about Iris lately and he told me it will only get worse and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Later on the topic some how switched to Andrew.

"Does he have a higher chance of getting her? Does he even like her?" I asked in a frustrated tone.
"His looks certainly make him a threat to you but love is a strange thing and anything is possible. And I think he really likes her."
" If he does then I think I should stop talking to her and forget her completely."

He tried to convince me to carry on trying and to think of my feelings the same way he may be.

"You always consider other people's feelings first when they make there decisions no matter what you think, you need to think for yourself once in a while."

I kept on thinking of these words until the last bell rang and it was home time but just as we were leaving the class Zama pulled me aside.

"Dude I know you really like Iris so I'm pulling out of the race. Even though it was a game, I won't carry on coz I know it don't sit well with your motives."

I was completely shocked all I could say was thank you but after school I was even more surprised when I had a conversation with Edwards.

"Dude do you like Iris?" Honestly at that point I wanted to say no but there was no point denying it so I said yes and he surprisingly said he was playing around and he really hoped we get together, to make things better he said he is dropping out of the race so I can make my move.

I am still totally speechless.
I learnt two things that day:
1. I have truly amazing friends
2. My crush on Iris is so hard it's so clear any idiot can see it.

Iris may not see it coz we rarely speak but she is super nice so she may know but act like it's nothing.

But if it's so clear to everyone
Why doesn't Andrew see it?

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