Chapter 9. A New Hope

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Yesterday was amazing and I don't expect this one to be as good but I'm just happy because yesterday was such a blast. I got a new phone and Iris and I are getting closer, I don't mean to jinx it but nothing can go wrong at this point.

To my amazement today is also a good day so far. We didn't get maths homework and I am going to practice our group dance with the others for a few minutes so I can chill with Iris! I am way too excited I don't know what I will even say to her (when do I ever know) but it's okay because our conversations tend to flow a lot better now.

"That was a great practice session guys and gals, same time tomorrow." Jack says as we all go our separate ways, well all except Iris and I.

"I'm scared of messing this thing up coz it's for marks." Iris says as I escort her to the library.
"Of course you are worried about marks little Miss Genius." I tease.
"Excuse me? It's Mrs Genius to you sir."
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect you Mrs Genius."
"You better be sorry, and I'm not short."
"Well of course your not." I say in a British accent.
"Thank you."
" You just decided to grow at a slower pace than everyone else." We both laugh for a while before she responds " That was actually hurtful, I will report you for bullying." She says with her beautiful smile and I just feel a warm feeling inside my chest.

I haven't felt this good in a while I can't believe we actually are getting along really well, and the best part is that it's not forced, she genuinely enjoys speaking to me and well I enjoyed staring at her so talking to her now is euphoric.
Wow! I actually have a chance of getting a girlfriend for the first time in forever!

Once we reached the library I ended up entering with her. This is actually my first time in the library and I have been in the school for nearly four years now, which is pretty strange. It's smaller than any school library I have ever seen, it's like a huge classroom but one half is filled with bookshelves and the other has three tables with six chairs at each table.
When we got in we were laughing so loud that everyone turned and looked at us which was really awkward, I saw Charlotte inside but she looked away before I could wave hello so I just said bye to Iris and left feeling like I can conquer the world.

Before the bell rang I waited at the tuck shop which is near the library and I "bumped" into Iris.

"You have been waiting for me?" Iris asks in a surprised tone.
"What? Me? No, No how preposterous." I say trying to shrug of the fact that she is right.
"Mhmm, okay so your here because...?" She asks.
" I was uhm... taking a walk and I just so happened to be in the area." I say giving a stupid excuse which is such a Cameron thing to do.
"Riigghht, I see I see." She smiled then I returned the smile before even think of doing it and as we walked to physics I realized something.
"It kinda feels like we have known each other for more than just a few weeks." I verbalize my thought.
"It really does." She replies once again with her killer smile and after that, the day just floated by.

As the time ticked and tocked all I could think of was how Iris rocked.
Hey that rhymes! LOL I should do poetry.

Andrew and I were chilling at one of the waiting areas after school, which is just a grassy area next to the office and I told him about my wonderful time with Iris, mostly because I wanted him to hear how I like her and how it is no joke to me but I'm not sure if he was distracted or bummed out. Andrew left quite early to go to a doctor's appointment so I was alone for a while until Charlotte came to keep me company like she always does.

" How you feeling?" She asks as she leans on the wall in front of me.
"I'm still stunned coz of the kiss." I flirt with her like always.
"Don't over think it man, it was nothing." She says with a smile and for a moment I think she blushed at the memory but I'm sure it was nothing.
" and Iris?"
Funny how Iris basically asked the exact same question, but I know that Charlotte is just checking up on my progress and I may be wrong but I think Iris's interest in the events of yesterday and our connection that is forming may be a sign that she may be starting to have feelings for me.
"Oh, I don't know I guess it's slow progress."
"Don't over think it, alot of guys mess up because they misinterpret girls." Which is probably exactly what I'm doing but what if I'm actually right and she does like me?
"Nah, I'm good."
"Well with the friends you have I doubt it, your probably just like them but you don't show it."


How the hell did we get here, she is acting weird, well weirder than usual and the fact that she is right isn't helping me at all.

"Uhm... maybe keeping my bad side in isn't bad coz then...then I wouldn't be able to get girls like Iris." I grin but she didn't look satisfied with my answer.

The moment I finished my sentence Charlotte sighed out of frustration and stormed of mumbling something under her breath and I swear it sounded like she said "Unbelievably impossible".
I wonder what that was about? The gents can't be that bad or did I say something wrong?
But her group of friends hate my squad for some reason so that could be why. I know our groups are enemies but Charlotte and I have always been cool so...what was up with the strange reaction?

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