Chapter 8. A Happy Birthday

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Winter break

It's been about a week into these holidays and I received nothing but blue ticks and one word responses from Iris. Even though she ignored me I didn't mind waiting. Besides she barely knew me.

Just as I was losing hope, just when I was beginning to accept defeat and about to give in to despair, 3 weeks later I had a break through.

Cameron :
I noticed that I barely know you 😂

Iris :
Well yeah coz we barely talk

Cameron :
Well we're talking now

Iris :
We actually typing but I get your point

Cameron :
okay... What's your favourite colour

Iris :

Cameron :
Black! Wahhhh I have never heard of someone who likes black.

Iris :
I also like yellow

Cameron :
Black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow

We talked for a while and found out we have a lot in common. And just like that the entire winter break flew right by.

July 2019
Term 3

School started again the holiday is over and strangely I actually want to go to school. Probably because of Iris.

We don't talk to each other as much as we do on WhatsApp but I guess I probably should not rush things.

The week went by pretty quickly and I just realized that my birthday is on Monday the 15th. Wow I'm going to be 17 "I'm so excited". My birthday has been the same every year ever since I was 13. No presents, no going out but I'm really not bothered by this the world shouldn't stop because it's my birthday. There are more important things in the world to worry about.

15 July 2019
My birthday

I woke up and prepared to go to school just like I did on every other day. I toke a shower just like I do on every other day.

"Hey dude get up it's time to go to school!" I shout at my brother like I usually do. The only thing different about this birthday so far is that I have a second brother. Maybe he's my gift that came 2 months early.

I get out of the car and walk towards my friends and just as I approach them they all start shouting "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!"
They all surround me as they push and pull me.
At least they making my day feel a little special.
Then they all suddenly became silent. Which is strange because just now they were screaming like animals.

"Bro, this is a special day because the world was blessed with the greatest gift which is you." Andrew says as I try my best not to smile.
"Nchoo!" The Squad applaud, damnit I hope I'm not blushing.
"This is for you." Andrew pulls out a box.

I smile and accept the gift with gratitude. I wonder what the hell is in the box, it's wrapped up nice and neat. This guy doesn't cover his bloody books how the hell did he wrap this up so neatly? Let me just open it, I unwrap the present and. . .


I see a phone box!
Not just any phone but a SAMSUNG GALAXY J5 PRIME!
Yeah I know what you must be thinking "it's not like it's the greatest phone in the world" but Andrew knew that I have been hoping to get this phone since it came out in 2015 plus my current phone gives crappy phone a new definition so the fact that I have such an upgrade is a gift from God and I thank God coz only my best friend knew the perfect gift.

" I. . .am literally. . .speechless." I stutter.
"It's okay man, you don't have to say anything you accepting it is enough." Andrew says as he embraces me.
I am trying to fight the tears but one managed to sneak past when I turned "to go to the toilet".
I can't believe this is happening, this is literally my first birthday gift in five flipping years, my parents couldn't afford going off budget unnecessarily, I don't want to blame them but I'll be lying if I said I don't.
I need to go back I've been gone too long.
I returned and we all went crazy as I began to set it up. It was like we were playing FIFA, everyone was shouting for no real reason.
The bell rang and now I'm off to registration.

"If it isn't the birthday boy himself, Happy birthday Cameron!!" Charlotte shouts as Wayne and I enter the class.
"Thanks hunn." I say as I hug her then she unexpectedly kisses my cheek and my face turns red and I'm a black guy.
I try to act natural (highlight try).

"Ainch you've scored dawg!" Wayne whispers in my ear.

That was so unexpected and now the whole class is staring, dammit including IRIS and now she's walking this way.

"Hey Happy birthday Cam."
"So. . .you and Charlotte?"
"No it's not what you think we...uh we're just friends."
"Friends kiss?"
"Yeah sure all the time, I infact we can kiss now."


I always say too much.
"We're not friends." She says bluntly, and it feels like a knife to the heart.
"We're not?"
"No, I wouldn't limit us to that status." She says and walks away.
"Two in under a minute, you on fire mate!!" Wayne shouts not caring that the whole class including Miss Joy is watching us.


I think today was the best school day of my life. I got a present that will forever be the best present of my life and not because of the price but because of the thought behind it, and I will cherish this gift forever.
It's nice to have good friends.

Oh damn that kiss from Charlotte was sooo unexpected, I don't want to jump to conclusions but what the hell else can I be thinking and what the hell was she thinking. I know a kiss on the cheek seems friendly but the way she did it. . .
Ah and Iris saw.

Oh Iris.
Over the past weeks I have been speaking to Iris. For the first time I was actually getting closer to my crush, usually I just get crushed.
I have never been this happy.

I closed my eyes and pictured how my future with Iris could be and things could actually get better. I drifted into sleep focusing on the future, longing for it, wishing for it to be true and hoping it will come true.
Currently my joy is summed up by one single word. . .


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