Chapter 22. The Gift pt 2

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I barely managed to sleep because I was so excited to give Iris her gift, I managed to keep them safe for a few days now the moment of truth approaches, I just hope she likes the gift.

It took less than 30 minutes for me to get ready for school and it usually takes me an hour and a half but I didn't feel like I was rushing, I just wanted to be at school so much I managed to be more efficient.

When I reached school I didn't even hesitate to go to Iris, I knew this might be my only chance to get her alone and sure enough she was alone but already had several gifts.

"Happy birthday!" I shouted.
"Thanks." She smiled.
"I see you are loved." I pointed towards the gifts.
"I honestly didn't expect these." Iris replied.
"Well in that case you will be a little more surprised." I took out the card and handed it to her.
"Nchoo, thanks."
"Open it."

She opened it and began to read, I stood and watched her read analyzing her reaction. She was shaking for some reason but she couldn't stop smiling so that must be a good sign.

Once she finished I took out the necklace and handed it to her.

"Oh my God." She gasped.
"What you don't like it?" I asked.
"No it–it's beautiful."
"Yes, thank you." She hugged me.

We were wearing our bags so it was a little weird but, it was our first hug and I absolutely enjoyed it.
  The bell rang and I carried all her presents for her, she obviously protested and it was to no avail. As we walked to class Angela (one of her friends) walked towards us with a water bottle in her hand. Iris understood what was to come and tried to make a break for it, she was a little too slow and ended up with a wet blazer and a few drops of water on her skirt.

What an odd tradition, pouring water on somebody because it's their birthday but Iris wasn't that bothered, she only seemed to be concerned about her presents which she had a lot of. Girls are way more generous than boys, they actually buy their friends gifts, we just pat each other on the back and then that's that.

"Did you buy her all these gifts?" asked Thandi.

Thandi is a real pain in the ass, she and her friends constantly condescend me and my friends, we call her bleach because one day Andrew said "Her presence bleached my skin." after that it just kinda stuck.

"Good god no!" I replied.
"Then where is your gift?"
"I am all she needs." Without another word Iris and I walked into class for registration.

Besides the fact that it was Iris's birthday the first half of school wasn't really eventful. Since our end of year exams are coming up, so teachers are doing revision and giving us loads of work. I even got Life Orientation homework!

Finally break arrived and I obviously rushed out of class to meet Iris, she was in her usual spot as always and seemed to be in high spirits.

"Heyy Cameron!" She beamed.
"Heyy birthday girl." I greeted "Wait, are you seriously doing work?"
"It's your birthday bruv you should be laughing and having a blast not doing Simon's geography homework!" I closed her textbook.
"Your a bad influence, you know that right?"
"Of course I am, we all need bad friends " I grinned.

Iris is a serious workaholic, every time I see her she's working on something whether it's school work or work that she creates for herself. I once found here doing accounting work, we only do science related subjects. I do my best to help her lighten up a little, yes working hard is good but over working yourself is not good for your mental health.
I'm sure I read that somewhere.

Thanks to me Iris laughed and smiled her beautiful smile for the whole break. We walked to Life Orientation (which in my opinion is a bloody useless subject) LO isn't one of my favourite subjects. Every LO assignment I do gets me crap marks, you may be saying that's your fault but it's not, the subject is just stupid, I got an answer wrong where the question asked for my opinion! How do you get your own blimming opinion wrong?
  To make matters worse I am surrounded by bleach and her crew, on the bright side Iris sits next to me but she doesn't help much.

"Cameron you have no chance of getting Iris, and anyway Edward is a far better match!" Bleach screeches.

I try to ignore her comments but sometimes I just can't.

"He doesn't even like her!" I say in a frustrated tone.

I got a few apologetic looks from Wayne and Zama who are lucky to not really get called out like this. For some reason Mabhena, Ben, Yaatie and I are hated the most by bleach and co, while Wayne and Andrew are actually quite friendly with them.

Besides LO my day was pretty great, especially since I got a hug from Iris.
  After school we were all waiting at our usual spot with Kiki and even Iris was waiting with us. We were all chatting and in the middle of the chat I noticed that Andrew and Iris were holding hands, they weren't just holding hands their hands were inter locked like they were a couple.

Before I could even think clearly I found myself saying "Oi, why y'all holding hands!"

Some of the guys noticed and also seemed to be waiting for a response.

"Coz his my precious little baby." Iris pinches his chick.

They are holding hands! This makes my hug seem like a joke!

Iris left shortly after and the Bloubosrand gents left straight after.

"Ntwana you see what your boy is doing now?" says Mabhena.
"Of course I saw dawg they were holding hands!" I reply.
"Ah gents she's just a chick, don't cause problems because of some girl." Andy advises.
"She's not just some chick!"

She's Iris.

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