Chapter 5. Online

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Why do we need a Physics group chat if we see each other like every day. It seems pointless but it is what it is.
I wonder who is in this group ? Like I know it's filled with my class mates but I wonder who. I go onto the list of members (for a reason I still do not know) and as I'm scrolling down you wouldn't believe who I found.
How come?
She said she had no phone. Unless she lied so I could leave her alone. That's pretty rude of her, she could have just said no if she doesn't want to give it, but at the same time that sounds cruel. I guess she didn't want to upset me.
Why the hell am I defending her?
Dammit I must be going crazy.
Let me surprise her and type hello.

What will I say to her.
"Hey what's up?" I say to the mirror
"What's popping girl?" I say with a weird look on my face.
Why am I making this seem complicated. I should just be myself.
Wait what does that mean?

Note to self never copy things in the TV that you don't understand.

Ok here I go

Cameron : Hey Iris it's Cameron. I found your number on the physics group. I new this was your number because it started with a zero.

Now I wait

2 hours later

She still hasn't responded no wait she is typing

Iris : 😂😂 lol

Iris : Oh hi Cameron how are you?

Cameron : I'm good and you?

Iris : I'm good.

And just as sudden as I started the conversation it ended.

This is not what I was expecting at all. Yes, we weren't going to be chatty from the get go but she could have at least continued with the conversation just a little longer. Who am I kidding this was a bad idea from the get go, if she wanted to talk to me she would have given me her number.

I went to bed feeling down, much lower than usual and hoping things will be better tomorrow.
With my luck they got worse.

The following day before the eighth period I was walking with Mabhena and Yaatie dreading to go to Life Sciences because it is one of the classes where I see Iris.
To make matters worse they were talking about a practical joke a few boys started, a few boys are all trying to "win" Iris's heart. These boys include Andrew (my best friend!), Mabhena (who knows I like Iris!), Edward (the cool kid who apparently has the best chance of dating her) and Zama (a friend that I consider as my brother).
While Mabhena and Yaatie talk about their "attempts" I speed up and walk to class, as I enter I see Andrew and Iris laughing and the sight of these completely annoys me. Once we are all seated I ask Andrew what he was saying to her.

"I was just throwing in a few jokes, like how we will raise our kids." He laughs and I a pull off a fake half smile.
" I managed to get her number and now I can push story online!"

How did he get her number?
"How did you get her number?!" I blurted out.
"Oh uhhh, I heard she is a tough cookie."
"Oh, not really."


What is that supposed to mean?
Is he trying to say getting her will be a piece of cake?
I think I'm over reacting a little bit or maybe alot, jealousy doesn't look good on me. I should stop stressing I don't want wrinkles.

"Yeah you right, coz I even have her number."
"Whoa before me, ohh so you think you can actually win this mate."
"Is that a challenge?" I replied in a British accent.
"Your on man!" Andrew said as he extended his hand for a hand shake to confirm the deal.

I firmly shake his hand and have officially entered myself in the most absurd competition I have ever taken part of.
Yes I know this is real petty, but it is very possible that we could get close during this nonsense and then I may have a real shot at winning her over.

It's a desperate attempt, and my desperation could be my down fall.

As we were sitting down I could not get this situation out of my mind, my friends are competing to get MY CRUSH. This is messed up and it's possible one of them will actually fall for her and possibly woo her and I hope it's not Andrew because from what I hear his handsome and sadly even I can see it. . . so what is Iris seeing?

Right in the middle of the life sciences period Iris moved in front of Mabhena so she could see the notes on the projector and of course Mabhena sparked up a conversation that made her laugh out loud, this guy is impossible to understand. How can he keep flirting with her even though he was the first to know that I have a crush on her?
And as if my day wasn't bad enough, Miss Joy started marking our note books and my work was not up to date.
What a perfect scenario.

At the end of the school day I left the classroom with red crosses in my book and a rattled brain.
I was walking down the corridor trying to compose myself when Mabhena walked up to me.

"Dude you have to come get your palm reading."
"I don't believe in that rubbish, just leave me alone."
"Cooomme!" Mabhena drags me to the tuck shop where a group of people are huddled up in a circle.
"Kiki! This is Cameron read his hands."
"No I don't want him to!" Mabhena is damn skinny but some how his damn strong to.

Kiki held my hands and stared at them intently like they were speaking to him. He started talking about some things about my emotions and what not but I really didn't care but there was one thing he said that caught my attention.

"Your love life is very strong."

Is he indicating something like some possibility or is it just the fact that I like Iris.

What is that supposed to mean?

Who care anyway it's a load of nonsense.

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