22. home

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a/n ( i posted two chapters today so please read the chapter titled "help" if you haven't!)


it has been really nice spending times at his home, but he couldn't do it anymore. after having a talk with troy over the phone earlier, he knew he can't stay here any longer. plus, when troy said how much emily didn't go out anymore.

after packing his stuffs, he walked out the bedroom to see his younger brother, reggie, leaning on the wall across from his room with a big smile.

"i'm going to miss you so much!" reggie said, with fake tears for some effects.

"oh fuck off, we all know you're excited to get the room back" vinnie said, ruffling reggie's hair before they both then walked to the living room.

"mom! i'm leaving!" vinnie shouted hoping his mom would hear him.

a smile made it way to vinnie's face when his mom walked out from their kitchen with already teary eyes.

"c'mon, you don't have to be sad about it! i'm not going anywhere!" vinnie scoffed as his mum pulled him into a warm hug.

"oh shush you!" his mum said as she kissed vinnie's forehead couple times.

"jeez, i love you!" vinnie said, laughingly as they both pulled away.

his mum and reggie then escorted him to the front porch, as vinnie gave his mum one last hug.

"find her.. and tell her, okay?" his mum said slowly, caressing vinnie's cheeks softly.

"sure mum. see you guys later!" vinnie said, and walked to his car and waved to them before driving away.

when he was staying there for a week, of course he had to tell his mom about what was happening and robbie's request. and his mom strongly advised him to just be honest and tell emily the truth.


well, he didn't expect to come back to sway gaming house to noah and dixie already standing infront of the house, talking with troy.

after he parked the car and took his backpack, he quickly walked toward them three. troy who noticed him first walked toward him and pulled him into a hug.

"welcome back!" troy said.

vinnie pulled away as he tried to give troy a genuine smile but he couldn't when he saw noah standing behind troy.

"what happened?" vinnie asked, looking at troy.

"emily's gone. none of us know where she went and it's been 2 days" dixie spoke up from beside noah.

"what? aren't you guys close with her? how could you lost her!? noah?!" vinnie asked loudly, angered at noah.

"i don't know okay! she wasn't even close with me that much anymore after you left! so i thought this had something to do with you! so tell me, where the fuck did you hide her?" noah asked, with the same amount of anger in his voice.

"you saw it yourself i just came back from my home! how the fuck would i know! you can't pin it on me when it's literally your own fault for not knowing how to treat her better!" vinnie said, starting to walked closer to noah but stopped by troy.

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