18. leaving

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i posted a new chapter before this titled 17// request! so go check that one out first!

vinnie's pov

'i don't love her. or even know about her that much.. but something about her seems different. i don't know if it's just fate or my own feelings playing with me, but she just really nice and cute and sometimes she just wanna make me- UGGGH

i can't think like this, she's not even mine. far from it!

but... robbie's request before he passed away still living in the back of my head and i know somehow, i still have to fulfill it. but with noah practically begging me to leave emily, just make it so hard..'

"fuck this!" vinnie groaned as he threw a random box to the wall. luckily, it was just an empty box.

right now, he was packing his bag, to go back to his family's hometown for a while. so he wouldn't be that miserable and think about what noah and emily were doing.

to be honest, he shook himself when he agreed to noah's request earlier.

what the hell was i thinking!! this isn't what robbie possibly want! this isn't what i want!!

a knock on the door shook vinnie out from his thoughts as he walked and opened the door to see troy, leaning on the wall across from his room.

"what?" vinnie asked.

troy just ignored him and walked in, and looked around to see a bag pack that almost full with clothes.

"where are you going?" troy asked, looking back to vinnie who was still at the door.

"i'm going back home for a while" vinnie sighed, walking back to his closet to take some more clothes.

"why?" troy asked, confused.

"i just wanna spend some times with my family, thats all" vinnie said, trying to sound as believable as he could.

"haha that's a lie" well, he failed. "tell me about it, vinnie" troy said, sitting on the bed right beside the backpack.

vinnie let out a sigh before he walked in the room and sat on the gaming chair.

"you know i've been getting closer with emily, and for what reason.. but now, noah kinda wants me to stay away from emily because i apparently getting in his way to make emily as his girlfriend.." vinnie started, closing his eyes as he leaned back on the chair.

"what the fuck? it's on him, he's so insecure.. have he asked her out already?" troy asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"apparently they went on a date yesterday.. and he asked her out there. but she told him to give her some times to think about it"  vinnie said, now swinging to chair to the right and left.

"look, i don't think you have to leave just because of this. noah is just making a big deal out of this. but..." troy stopped, making vinnie opened his eyes and looked straight at troy.

"i understand if you really need this and to spend times with your family... just don't think about it too much" troy continued.

"but, the problem is that i'm scared of what noah would do to emily? there was one time he deadass grabbed emily's arm harshly! imagine what he would do to emily if she ever did something that make him pissed!" vinnie let out the thing that have been stuck on his mind.

"then tell dixie to keep an eyes on noah! griffin could help too!" troy suggested.

".. alright. thank you, dude. i love you" vinnie said, laughing at the end as troy joined him.

"alright alright. i love you too!" troy said, shaking his head before he left vinnie to continue his packing.

what they both didn't know was that, jordan was right outside vinnie's room, listening to their both conversation with a smirk on his face.

"well well well, one's down i think" jordan said to himself before he walked to his room.



this is kinda like a filler chapter?

but be honest! what do you guys think so far?



strong // vinnie hacker जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें