Chapter 85

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Merlyn had his face on and I'd dressed in one of my outfits I used when I had my height addition in place. I'd even put on some makeup and added a little to my bust size; I still kept my gothic look though.

As what had become our routine, Merlyn and I sat down on the sofa in front of the TV; he turned on the news while I sketched and looked things up on my tablet. He'd have his eyes mostly glued to the news and I'd listen with an occasional glance up when I heard something that spurred my interest.

We were passing a jay between us and listening to the news when a story came on that grabbed us both by the nose hairs. That was an odd saying now that I thought about it; I'd picked it up on the farm, it was something Randle usually would use, Sophia I think picked it up from him.

"We go now live to the Imperial Government Services building in NewBrittanCity where Imperial agents have arrested two agents and are looking for a possible third person in connection with a scandal involving law enforcement persons from both the I.I.D and the I.P. divisions."

The anchor introduced the reporter on site and she took over the report.

"Thank you. I'm standing here with the prized rat-fink that uncovered the hanging offenses by agents not only in his own department, but in the Imperial Police department as well. Colonel Fulbright Quixley, senior investigator for the I.I.D. and the seventh in line for command of the I.I.D. Colonel Quixley, could you please explain to our viewers what you uncovered and what has happened as a result of your investigation into illegal activities within the I.I.D. and the I.P."

The cameral shot pulled back from the reporter to include her and Fulbright together. In the background you could see several Moose agents leading Mort Gnoll in cuffs out from the building then off to the side where the camera followed for a second and zoomed in on Mort's face before returning to the reporter and Colonel Quixley.

"It wasn't just my investigation, actually it was because of an anonymous tip from two loyal citizens that caused me to begin looking into what I felt was an inconceivable situation. After several days and with help from agents of the I.C.I.D. that we were able to confirm the information the citizens had provided as well as expand our investigation to also capture collaborators within the I.P. and another person within my own I.I.D. forces. It is truly saddening and unsettling that agents and police would turn against their citizens and aid those in the organized crime syndicates. I feel confidant that the citizens of this nation will have their justice and the offenders will be hung by the neck in front of the Nation's Mansion to attest to every American Imperial citizen that we, the people charged with enforcing the nations laws and keeping its populace safe, are vigilant and will arrest anyone whom undermines their safety and the laws of this great nation, even if they serve within the walls of the halls of justice."

Fuck me! Quixley almost had me standing and cheering after his speech.

"Does this mean that the I.I.D. finally has evidence that will put Norval Tullis behind bars, the alleged Scottish syndicate leader, Colonel Quixley?" The reporter asked.

Fulbright started shaking his head. "I'm afraid that is something I cannot discuss at this time. I can say that we, along with the Imperial Counter Intelligence Division, are looking into the syndicate connections."

A girl came into the picture and moved between Fulbright and the reporter. As Fulbright moved to give her space to stand with them the camera pulled back. It was the girl from the I.C.I.D. that I'd met at the airport. Her clothes were tailored now and fit better. She was also wearing a corset under her shirt and much better shoes for her. She looked spiffy.

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