Chapter 53

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Chapter 53


When I got out of bed, let's just say I was flatulent. I don't know if Gordon was already awake and waiting for me to wakeup, or if the loud expulsion of air and gas I let rip woke him, either way when I got up, he got out of bed with me. (Escaping the smell I bet.)

My asshole felt... sloppy I guess is how it felt. When I ripped ass it felt strange and when I walked, I could actually feel my pooper. Being curious I reached back between my cheeks and felt for my asshole. I felt a squishy ball of flesh bulging out. It didn't hurt like I thought it would, it was kind of tender but not very painful at all, just a little. I wondered if it would stick out like it was forever.

"Hey doll face, you and Dark Magic doing alright?" Gordon asked with a concerned voice.

Stopping in my tracks, I turned to face him. "Dark Magic and I are wonderful." I started to feel sheepish; I clasped my hands behind me and pawed at the carpet with a foot. "You were wonderful to us. Last night and this morning were more than special. Thank you so much Gordon, a girl couldn't ask for a better first time." Fuck me, I started crying, I felt like such a... girl. I turned to the sink and washed my asshole from my fingers; I dried my hands then turned.

Gordon came to me, took me in his manly arms and hugged me tight. He really cared and wanted me to have the night of my dreams. His commitment and desire to help me have my first time the best it could be touched me and made the night, and the morning, more than I'd ever dreamt of.

"Would you like to go shopping for a different swimsuit, instead of the bikini Zandie packed for you?" Gordon offered.

Taking a moment to look his face over, trying to see if he really wanted to go shopping with me or was just making a male sacrifice in tolerating shopping with a girl I determined he actually wanted to take me shopping and wouldn't mind it at all. I bubbled into smiling back at him.

"Yeah, I would. Honestly, I hate bikinis and want a one piece, French cut, thong back. Zandie's suit design is kind-a flat and dull." I had a moment of laughter. "Me, calling something flat." I remarked moving a hand across my boobs.

"You're not flat babe, you've got nice boobies, they're unique, just like you. I love 'em. Through my eyes, you're beautiful and incredibly sexy and alluring." Gordon told me.

Sniffing back, I tried to hold back and not cry like a girl again. Sure, I was a girl, I just wasn't a girly girl. I drove stock cars, pitched bales, and could drive a semi tractor. I wasn't some cheerleader blonde ditz. Tomboy, that's what I was; and tomboys don't cry like girls, even though we are girls.

Gordon's words touched me and I knew he meant what he'd said. No one had ever called me beautiful before, well, besides Sophia, and Randle I guess; and no one had ever thought I was sexy and alluring. He hadn't just fucked me like boys back at school would have, fucked the freak gothic girl, just to fuck the freaky gothic girl so they could brag about it then toss her in the trash heap. Gordon had made love to me with compassion, desire and real loving.

I perked myself up and grinned at him. "Sure, I'd like that." I fisted a hand with my thumb out and held it over my shoulder pointing towards the bathroom. "I just got-a go drop a log first." I told him then turned and went off.

Gordon had started laughing and looked down shaking his head. "The things you say sometimes." He commented though his tittering.

I'd been made fun of because I talked like a guy as some of the kids said. So I wasn't bashful, I'd never say I was going to go powder my nose when I had to take a piss; I'd say I had to piss, or take a squirt, a wiz, something like that. I never tried to hide the fact that girls fart too. When I had to fart, I'd let it rip, not excuse myself and go off someplace just to break wind like most girls.

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