Chapter 73

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The pawn's prediction of an hour, wasn't exactly accurate, he was off by about an hour. We were watching Norval at home when the call came in. He was on his wife, unfortunately for her.

He yelled and screamed about me for 10 minutes then told whomever it was on the other end, I didn't recognize the voice, to meet him at the office with the disk. After that we waited until he showed in the office. The other person whom I heard him call by the name Finn must've had to wait outside for Tullis. Norval was ranting when they entered the floor all the way to the office.

When he finally stopped his senseless raging, he put the disk in and watched it. "That fucking fuck! He thinks he's going to take my place, I'll eat his fucking balls for fucking lunch that fuck!"

Tullis took a minute or three to rage and rant, including throwing a few items from his desk. It was his rage I was counting on to complete my mission with him.

"Who's the fuck that got this to you?" Norval asked.

"Some punk that works at your restaurant down on third and Grant, he said Cheeks' girlfriend handed it off for him. He's expecting a half crown for delivering it to my guy." Finn answered.

Tullis smiled deviously. Goodbye kid. "Yeah, give him his half crown, give it to him in hard currency. And as for Cheeks, that fuck, what's he doing using a cunt for business. Send him and his cunt a little payment too. Ya get me, you see to it those punk fucks get paid."

"Yes boss. You want their bodies left where they lay, or should we dispose of them? The pork is saying there's a war." Finn had the right idea, Tullis though, he wasn't the thinking sort.

"Just leave the fucks where they fall, who gives a shit what the pigs think. A dead street gang leader and his twat, that ain't any shit on us. Fuck 'em." Tullis ordered. "Now Kenyon Dashiell and his family, them I want special treatment for. Wait until Kenyon's gone, then, take them all, got me? Bring them here. I got a little present for Dashiell." Tullis laughed like a madman, Finn laughed with him but his eyes betrayed an un-amused train of thought.

"What do you want done with Kenyon?" Finn asked once the laughing was done.

"It's Saturday, he'll head to the club around 11:00 for lunch with his boys. Tell him I want to see him, that it's an emergency meeting. Bring him yourself, don't let that fuck take his own car. Bring... ah fuck, get some muscle and if he gives you any flack, bring him, get me?" Tullis said.

"Gotchya boss." Finn replied.

After that, Finn left and Tullis paced around his empty office talking to himself. Mostly he was plotting how to get me. I listened in for a little bit, but the conversation was going no where, plus Sasha whipped her boobies out and asked if I wanted to play with her. Oh fuck yeah!


The morning found Sasha and I in a different part of town. I'd taken Alice, my beloved crossbow, out from hiding. This time, she'd be sending Tullis a message; this would be a twist of fate the old boss wouldn't be expecting and I hoped it would send him over the top.

Harland was eating breakfast at his favorite place; this children is why, if you're in the syndicate, being a regular anyplace is a risk. I waited until the place was full and Harland had his breakfast. Courtney was with him, she was an 'administrative assistant' with Tullis & Company in the BlueSky offices. He often had breakfast with her; this however, would be their last meal together.

He'd just taken a bite of whatever garbage he was eating, I hated the place personally. Sasha was watching my aim through a small tablet, this was another lesson. We were high up on a construction structure five hundred meters away, the wind was a little strong, I'd measured it earlier and adjusted accordingly. The whipping sound of Alice's string whispered in the breeze. Seconds later, people streamed from the diner. It'd be awhile before business picked up again.

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