Chapter 19

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Driving off after leaving Lydia and the only relatives that knew what I was and that I had contact with, I decided to find an out of the way place and sift through my mind. I had no place in mind, outside of someplace I'd never been and someplace far from where Tullis and his cronies would look for me.

I'd been on my way to check on Sheila but diverted my course and ended up in Minnesota. I had thoughts of entering British Canada, but decided against it since just like their homeland, British Canada was a monarchy under King Charles' reign. I was someplace in Minnesota when I stopped at a reality office. My thought was to buy another speck of land to park the camper on.

In a way, that is what I did. It wasn't a wooded lot that needed clearing and services and utilities put in, rather it was an RV plot lot that sold off stalls with a small yard to put your camper on. The main lodge at the RV park had a small bar and cannabis lounge along with a store that... well, they sold things you needed at a convenience price.

That's where I met this chick named Blue Bird. Her parents were nature children from the 60's and she told me she had a brother named Golden Pond. Personally I would've changed my name if I were either of them. Anyways, her parents sold the place to her and she ran it. She was a dark haired babe in her mid 20's.

After I'd been 'camping' in the RV park a few days I invited her over for some cannabis and conversation; which led to grilled something and whatever else I had on hand. For desert I baked one of the frozen pies Lydia had stocked in the small freezer for me. By the time night fell, my face was in her twat.

In the morning Blue Bird was walking a bit bowlegged, and I was in good spirits. After we ate, Blue Bird showed me around the Whipholt area and introduced me to a few of my neighbors; after which she asked if I like to fish. Honestly, I'd never been fishing and when I told her this, she set about correcting this atrocity. An hour and a half later, I caught my first sunfish shortly followed by a few bass and finally a Walleye. I must admit, it was considerably more fun then I thought it'd be.

But I needed to sort things out and plan. When Blue Bird wasn't mounted on my face, I started looking at things.


Uncle Nells dropped me off at the fucking farm again, well, with Randle and Sophia, which would end me up back on the farm. I'd tried talking him into taking me with him, but he wouldn't have that. He said I needed an education and to live a normal life. A normal life? My real parents were underground and his organization was the reason why. Fuck!

It wasn't him I wanted dead, I wanted his boss dead, I wanted revenge for taking my family and my life from me. I really did wish I'd have died with my family; I also felt I survived to avenge them. I hoped uncle Nells would understand this and be my path for my vengeance. Tullis wanted him dead now. He'd explained to me why; it took me a while to weasel the entire story out of him; we both were in the same boat. Fucked by Tullis and our lives wrecked by him, and his father.

Mother Sophia tried to talk to me once we were finally home. After she left, she must have told father Randle she wasn't able to get me to talk; not long after she left, he showed up.

I was in my room sprawled out on my bed flicking my clit to work off the hostility in me over the entire situation when he knocked on my door. I'd locked it, that wouldn't stop Randle though. I'd spent a night in the company of a person he hated. He'd come in no matter what; I pulled my panties up, got off the bed, then went to unlocked the door. The interrogation would start now.

He looked calm as he entered my room, which was sad compared to the room I used to have when my family was alive. Here I didn't even have my own bathroom. There also weren't any servants to do my bidding nor any slaves that saw to my proper education. Here at farm fucked-in-the-woods, you had to take care of yourself and if you wanted something done, you had to do it yourself.

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