Chapter 57

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Chapter 57


By the time we were back in the hotel room, Randi was shaking pretty bad; it was easy to see she wouldn't be Randi much longer. The 'medication' she needed wasn't something I'd planned on when we left on this trip. Of course, she wasn't supposed to be alive by now either. I didn't know the area in the least. There were criminals though, but I wouldn't have much time to scope anyone out. It was also the middle of the night now, not many people would be out and about.

"Okay doll face, you stay here, I'm going to try and find some medicine for your condition." I told her as she vibrated on the bed.

I felt sorry for her, I'd never seen the hunger affect anyone this bad, and I've known some psychopaths. I ran a hand down her head then kissed her on the side of her head. She felt hot, like she was burning up with fever.

"Gordon..." She said.

"Yes doll face?"

"Tie me up so I can't leave, I don't trust myself. I attacked that poor girl. Tie me up and secure me to something." She requested.

At least she wasn't asking me to kill her, she knew I couldn't do that. I looked around the room, checked the gym room and the observation level, there wasn't anything to tie her up with. I could knot pillow cases together and use the sheets. She'd probably get out of those though.

"I'll be right back love doll, I won't be long." I told her then headed out of the room in a rush.

I'd found a maintenance room, picked the lock and looked around. I found some heavy duty black cable ties, I grabbed a few and a wire cutter so I'd be able to remove them. Back in the room I put a tie around each of Randi's wrists then tied the two ties together with a third. I secured her legs together with another tie then used the last cable tie to strap her hands to her feet. She'd stay put now.

"Thank you Gordon." She said; then with a flash of her eyes, Twat-U-La took over and spit landed on my face.

She was losing the fight against her daemon. She apologized for spitting on me, then tried to bite me. She was a literal basket case right now. Even if I found someone for her, I wondered if she'd be in any condition to do her thing. Maybe if I fed her from my hand again, which was burning now. I should probably disinfect it. That'd have to wait though, Randi needed her medicine.


While I was out, I bought a few things Randi would need; other things I acquired by theft, such as garbage bags and a blade. I purchased some clothes for her too, some cheap throwaway clothes and shoes. There was still a lot of activity on the island, being a vacation destination people wanted to party late.

This also meant certain types of criminals were working, like muggers. I'd seen several and observed them but they were far too mobile to be of use to me. I needed someone that stayed put, so to speak. Someone that operated in the same general area or had a specific place they returned to. After about an hour of hunting, I found my prey.

He was a white boy... mostly, and seemed to favor robbing girls. He must've been a chicken shit and didn't want to deal with a boy that might just kick his skinny ass. I watched as he went after an older girl, probably in her late 50's to early 60's. He rammed into from behind to knock her down then kicked her in the face a couple times before he demanded her purse and cash.

After he robbed her he yelled at her to leave. While she was trying to run away, he kicked her in the butt. His roost was a small shed like structure with an overhang on one side. It was under this overhang connected to a steel shipping container that he hid out in and counted his loot.

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